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Hey all!

Just wanted to thank you all for the sparkly suggestions. Slivers got a ton of votes as usual, but in the past, to be honest, I had been scared of attempting them. The reason is that I used to play mostly Sliver decks when I was a kid, they were always my favorite, and so because of that I guess subconsciously I had a fear of not really doing them justice, if that makes sense? Because this is the one creature type that I really care about when looking back on my memories of playing Magic.

So this week I finally saw the composition I'd always been looking for in front of my mind's eye and knew instantly that this was the Sliver illustration I'd been meaning to paint for a long time. The painting process, as a result of that, was smoother than anything I've done before.

Either way, enough personal blabber, I hope you like this one, since it's special to me and goes back 15 years. That's half my age! Didn't foresee that one at the time.

Of course it comes with a full art back. And in case you weren't aware yet, there's new tiers that allow you to get 5 or 7 sparkly tokens! 

And finally, production and packing went smoothly as usual and Wave 44 (with the Cat Dragons!) is shipping tomorrow. 

All the best, and thank you so much for the support,




Though I really dislike Slivers, this token is gorgeous!


Damn you Johannes! Now I have to build a Sliver deck.


this would be cool with a flip side where you se the ocean with the swarm jumping ?


that is sick and amazing


I pledged 30$ just for these I love slivers!


I just Pledged as well are the slivers included in the next wave? i would really love a set of them

Mr. Pendulum

they'll be in the next wave, you'll see a post at the end of the month when the charge goes through.


You bought me with this marvel! Besides, I too hold Slivers close to my heart [fistbump] I love to troll players on Modern events with my Slivers deck - hardly anyone knows how to handle them properly :D


Someone told me on my deckpage about these Sliver tokens. Once I saw the art I had to have it. I signed up because of your gorgeous artwork. I look forward to getting those beautiful Sliver tokens...also, any chance I could get some of those sweet cat Dragons as well?


First I would like to say, I absolutely adore and thoroughly enjoy your art. My Friend gave me my first custom Sliver token done by yourself and it is my favorite. Seeing the potential for the metallic and the Beauty of it, I had to become a Patreon. I'm sincerely looking forward to these beautifully shiny slivers as tokens for my EDH deck. I will likely send a message with a hopefully non inconvenient request of a gift for my Friend. Thank You!