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Hey hey! A ton of you voted for this, so I was stoked to do it, since it's an idea I had from the start even for the official token. That one needed to show the aura though for gameplay clarity, but on here we're not bound by those rules muhahaha! So here we go - the long lost sibling of my painting for Estrid's Invocation! 

Aaaand as usual, it'll come with a full art back!

For those of you who missed it, there's now tiers that include 5 sparkly tokens. You know, just in case you need them. You never know.




5 sparkly tokens tier? Heck, better get that now. Can't have too many masks.


I'm in the buddy tier, but I'd love to be able to get more sparklies! Especially since both me and the buddy I split with are running Estrid! What can I do?


That’s awesome. I never have anything I really want when the “what should the next token be...” question roles around, but after C18 came out, a Mask token would be it. Art looks awesome too, really like it.

Jake Van Heemst

We can still up our tier to get these, right??


Hey Stephen, good question! If you want to stay in the buddy tier, just up your pledge by $5 for each extra sparkly token you want and keep the reward tier the same! :) I usually don't do that but since it's only a few people in that tier it'll be no problem.


I sleeved up the U/R C18 deck today and I would love to see Survivor tokens in the future :) (Also in the Buddy tier, would I be able to up my pledge for extra Mask tokens? :) )


Yeah man just increase it by $5 per sparkly token that you want while staying in the same reward :)


can you choose a package 2 times for would love to take the 25$ twice for the mask tokens.


Hey Martin, sure thing, just increase your pledge by $5 per additional sparkly token you want while keeping the reward tier the same :)


Loved your Estrid, and this sparkly convinced me to become a patron! Can't wait to see it in person 😁 Similarly can't wait for your Kickstarter to arrive, so excited for all the prints and tokens!


Johannes! You made my day! Thank you for getting me into this deal! ;)