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Hey! For those of you that just signed up, this right here is the post that triggers the payment process, which then gives me the addresses, which then allows me to ship you sweet tokens! They should ship around July 12th and if you are a Patron by the time this post goes up, they're coming to you! Please allow a shipping runtime of between 1 and 3 weeks, depending on where in the world you live!

Also, if you haven't yet heard the good news - from now on, all sparkly tokens will be full color paintings! How about that! :D

As always, if there's anything that seems off or if there's something missing or if you have suggestions or any other questions, just let me know! Shoot me a message here or an email at algenpfleger@gmail.com if you have any problems whatsoever. I'm here to help!

All the best, and thank you! Hannes



How do we check to make sure our address is correct? I just moved a couple weeks ago

Mr. Pendulum

go to your memberships and under the active ones you should see the options to update.


Just making sure, I'm new to patreon so I'm not so sure how this works. This will be the Saproling tokens, correct?


hi im new to patreon. so i subbed for the saporling tokens and since i paid already i can cancel my subscription right? or do i wait till they are shipped out first


Yes you can! Protip: Instead edit it down to $1, that way you'll be notified of future ones you might like! :)