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In fairness Lola gang, I tried giving you guys the edge as far as I could while remaining impartial. I thought by offering Buster as a sacrificial lamb, it would give Lola a bit of an extra edge considering how often you guys like the college kid x older female. HOWEVER, someone I like nearly as much won. Paulina Sanchez

And ooohhh you thought Courtney was toxic? You havent seen anything yet, we're talking some Vicky levels here lmao. And yet, I find myself with a tinge of choice paralysis, since I have more than 1 idea for the intro/poses and cant make up my mind which. I'm almost considering skipping the hek page this week just to give Paulina more time, but I guess I could also take from the other end of the week too since we still don't know what we're doing the end of the month.


Which brings me to my little Faustian bargain.. of sorts. So listen up, Lola has been on that poll nearly as much as Paulina, and she's gotten second place a bit too often. So heres what Im going to do: Shes a non human, so that adds to her difficulty, meaning if you want her done right she had to have a week to herself as a poll winner, so I cant squeeze her in at the end of the month for that reason. Too stressful. Not to mention, bc she didnt actually win... I dont think I'll use Buster this time, thats one less rabbit to practice and pose.

So where am i going with this? The week of July 1-8, I'll be doing a gym/basketball Lola Set. (Almost a staple of every nsfw artist's gallery, but hopefully my way) I apologize if you're a long time Lola fan and you'll be jumping ship this month, but in order to give myself ample room to draw her I dont see any other way bc between paulina and hekapoo I only see myself having around 4-5 days left in June which is only just BARELY enough for a short human character set, let alone a new character furry. I hope you agree with my reasoning, I'm just trying to shoot you straight. Worry not, like the rest of my sets, I will be releasing this hypothetical Lola set on Twitter and Pixiv like everything else after another set replaces it.

And finally, what are we doing those last few days, lanterns? An impromptu short poll of characters that havent won recently, no big storyline or anything. Or I could go into my stash of crackpot ideas/doodles and introduce a new pairing, the Mystery box. Both carry an amount of risk, a chance to vote or be completely surprised? Im not usually in the habit of doing this but I figured I'd ask and see what happens this time. I'll post a formal lantern discussion later with the Hek page I need to go do. *phew* that was a shpeel, hope you enjoyed your weekends.



You are already baked

Thank you kind sir for the gift of Lola, I'm looking forward to next month. I wonder your idea for Lola is, that also goes for Paulina since they have both been in polls for quite a while


Nice to hear we'll be getting a Lola set eventually. Thank you! To be honest, while I still voted Lola out of lack of alternatives, the prospect of it being a Buster set actually decreased my enthusiasm from "I like this option" to a "neutral option" rather than increasing it as you assumed. In general I tend to have VASTLY different opinions than you on what pairings I can bear seeing. I also hate toxic characters - I like Courtney because I don't view her as toxic (unlike Heather, Alejandro and Sierra). Of course, we both know by now that my views usually fall in the minority here. Sorry for rambling, just kinda giving my thoughts in response to your words and all. :D


Hm, not gonna lie Odd, you live up to your name lol Personally one of my favorite aspects of making r34 content is that I get to corrupt it ever so slightly while making it look tantalizing. If I wanted to draw fluffy fanart, I wouldnt exactly be here lol... So yeah, I like pairing characters with the toxic ones, making them have secrets, venting their frustrations etc. And if thats not your game thats fine, but I'd think that you'd reconsider whether Im the artist for you since our tastes are so different. Of course youre welcome here nonetheless but if it would ever be too much for you, it'd be fine to take a sabbatical. ✌️😁


Hmm, I didnt think about it too much I just sort thought "f it, its been long enough , I want to see her too". 😁 I have an inkling of where I'd start but we'll see how it goes. I think Paulina might be one the very first characters I ever tried drawing, I think she might even be my first twitter post waaay down there lol.


No worries dude. There's a reason I haven't been a member at the very start of each month in a while. I make sure each month that something I want to win (or something I am sure will win) has won a poll before I lock in for a month. This month's was Courtney. Also as an aside, I wouldn't say I want fluffiness either - there's a lot between toxic characters and outright fluffy stuff after all. Thank you though! I appreciate the sentiment. :D