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Well to no ones surprise Priyanka will be returning as the victor of the second milf poll. In a way you guys are right though, after selling another chunk of my soul to finish the KP style set, I could use a cool down, and as it happens SU style is one of my comfort ones. So... I think Im going to jump straight into it. 

Heres how its going to go down: 

Next up: Priyanka WIP preview and completed Set

After, that, a hekapoo page and then we'll fill up the remaining time with someone from the milf poll that didnt get a shot. 

IDK who yet, I'd like to do 1 or 2 short pics, but it'll depend on how much time we have left after Priaynka's set and the next Hek page. Sound good? Great, let's get drawing then. Enjoy your weeks and look forward to the goods. 




Whew. I was worried when you said the poll was going in an unsurprising direction. Can't see the poll so I was afraid that'd mean we were going to have even more R&M. Priyanka's an okay compromise to me. Would prefer Eclipsa, but Priyanka and Susan were in the "I'm okay with this winning" category. Nice! :D


Nah, Beth came in 2nd place last poll, so naturally that means they would pick someone else this time, Lanterns are fickle like that. Well theres a good chance R and M will make a return some time, but yeah it has been a while since we've had more Priyanka.