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Okay guys here ya go, thanks for voting.

Now, Im gonna hit the pause on Hekapoos comic so I have more time to work on Daphne and Velma's art. So I'll try to get some WIPs for the Lanterns before the full post slightly before Halloween. 



Kent Greene

Hi Billy Mays here with the offer of a lifetime. Have you ever wanted a thicc goth girlfriend?

Ben.Co Inc

Edd is forgetting a key factor, they fall at the same rate when wind resistance isn’t a factor.


Hey dont look at me, thats a straight Double D quote. But yeah I think the point was that intuition tells you that the heavier object would fall faster, but in a vacuum, aka when you look at it in a lab setting, mass doesnt play the role you'd think it does.


Hey, it's a passing grade. And that's what matters.


All night screwing and getting a C- ? I'd say that's a fair trade off.

Ben.Co Inc

I know I know lol, I’m just remembering what my physics teacher told me, you’re right though

Ben.Co Inc

Hey C- on a physics test you didn’t study for? I would’ve killed for that.