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EDIT 5/11/23:  I'm uploading this to my dA page tomorrow, and I took the opportunity to redo the profile to match the format of the more recent ones I've done.


Real Name: St. Ann, Mary

Other Aliases: None

Occupation: Assistant Wellness Coordinator, Glover Veterans Retirement Home

RF Hyperclass: 

Legal Status: Citizen of the United States  with no criminal record

Age: 35

Relatives: TBD

Affiliations: HyperSquad

Allies: Canine Crusader, Commander Flag, Dr. Sci-Fi, El Mundo

Enemies: Iron Demon, Dr. Mutator, Poacher

Height: 5'8" (1.70m)

Weight: 141 lbs (65 kg)

Eyes: Sky Blue

Hair:(Normal): Dark Brown (Powered) Blonde

Power Type: Hypersapien, Hypermorph

Source of Power: Genetic mutation

Cause of Powers: Genetic mutation from birth

Powers: Can grow wings and generate powerful energy fields.  Energy Field enhances flying ability and speed and strength, but is most powerful as a defensive shield.  Has some healing ability.

Strength: Average/Extraordinary

Speed: Average/Extraordinary

Mental Capacity: Above Average

Durability: Average/Extreme*

Energy Projection: Extreme

Mental Projection: Average

Agility: Above Average

Dexterity: Above Average

Weaknesses: Can only maintain normal appearance for about five hours at a time. Use of healing ability will limit access to other powers for a time.  Her earnest attitude causes others to underestimate and mistrust her because they can't believe she's genuine.

Born with her powers--manifested at a young age.  Was kidnapped to be experimented on at age seven but was saved by the She-Wolf.  Inspired by her to be a superhero herself, making her one of the first.  Started as a crime fighter, but soon after became a pacifist who focuses on rescue and defense.  Her formidable power set often lets her manage protection of civilians single-handedly while teammates battle threats, making her an invaluable member.  Unflinchingly idealistic, compassionate, kind, and humble, though not without a sense of humor.  Struggles with making missteps in a culturally diverse, rapidly changing society with many shifting shades of gray, but is determined to err on the side of trying to help. Believes in getting every last bit of joy out of life, and that there is no greater joy than helping others.  

Dark secret:  Loves Game of Thrones.  Darker secret:  Loved the ending.



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