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What have I been up to in July? Which Hollywood stars have worn out their welcome but are actually still OK at acting? Find out in this bonus episode, going out to my Patreon subscribers to say thanks for your continued support. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



If you're a regular Eastbourne visitor, I hope you've been to Camilla's bookshop. It's a treasure trove.


I've been running a bunch of 13th Age from 5e material and statting it on the fly. It's less of a stretch possibly, but it worked fine.


I have only been to Eastbourne once, but I have been to that bookshop. I couldn't stay long, because the narrow aisles were a bit much for Pepper, but it was pretty amazing! It was just across the street from the bar where we had one of our meetups.


Yeah, I think people often overestimate the difficulty of conversions because they have a strong desire to get it "right."