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Much more Wu-Tang Clan than you expected!

The Pamphlet of Pantheons is now available for order at Rook's Press and Four Rogues Trading Company! Or buy a digital copy at Itch or Drivethru.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



It's weird for me. I was into Grunge and Indie in the 90s, not Hip-Hop. And now only Hip-Hop exists.


But now abideth grunge, indie, and hip-hop, these three; and the greatest of these is hip-hop.

James Baillie

I like the idea of getting stuff on other listeners' projects - though I wonder if a single special would end up with just giving people too long a mental list of "hey look up these 50 projects" and overwhelm people? Might it make more sense to just carve out some spots at the end of regular episodes for this stuff and spread it out more? (That might OTOH be yet another thing for you to administrate, which may make it not-worth-it, but thought I'd mention the thought).