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We continue to look at what I've been reading lately with a quick journey through the monsters of Knock! magazine's first issue. 

Learn more about Knock! here: https://www.themerrymushmen.com/our-products/

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Andrew M. Reichart

I love Knock so much & it's rad to hear you expostulate about it a bit!


My contribution was very minor, but it was a lot of fun to work on it and it's a really nice-looking finished product!


Knock does look great. If I ran any OSR at all, I'm sure I'd be all over it. It's a bit like an 80's zine, well 6 zines in one package, but with incredible production values and a bit more distance from and understanding of the subject matter.