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Another weird tree monster and a wolf monster that loves making sweet music bring us closer to the end of the W chapter in today's episode!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.      



Apparently there's a whole kingdom of beer drinking bardic wolfweres in Ravenloft. Sounds like hell. http://fraternityofshadows.com/wiki/Kartakass


That sounds like a combination of things I probably wouldn't include. Apart from the beer, which I enjoy! Honestly, the occasional bardic rock-off is plenty of fun; I don't hate bards like many people affect to. But a whole kingdom of them sounds like heck.


As to how to get PCs to bring strangers into their camp, how about playing on their baser motives? It might be difficult to get a bard in, but the w-i-s-c can also pose as a tinker. Suggest that his wares might be magical, and the PCs will fall over themselves to welcome him.


The names are the other way around, but you're quite right: wolf in sheep's clothing is a better name for the shapeshifting wolf than it is for the bunny stump.