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It's another monster special, brought to you free, gratis and for nothin' by the generosity of my Patreon supporters! This one's all about killer dolls -- scary if they come at you with a letter opener, but can we make them work in a D&D game? I bet we can. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.     



How, James, how could you name the killer doll in your brief scenario "Stabby" when there are so many better options? What about Stabigail? Or Killary? My wife is named Abigail, so I'm partial to Stabigail, myself. Actually, great episode and a lot of fun. I haven't done a lot of dark whimsy in games for a while, but now I want to! I'd love to hear more of your takes on how to do fantasy adventures with a faerie tale feel. Also, PTSD Faeries - aka Changeling: the Lost - is a great game.