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Two seemingly-unrelated monsters in today's episode, but I argue that they have a couple of points in common. Enjoy while you (for American listeners) digest and (for everyone else), um ... do whatever you normally do on a Friday, I guess.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License



Two monster worked very well. You might see Phil M at Dragonmeet so you could ask him about his entries into the FF.


That would be cool! I see him around occasionally, but I would feel weird going up and talking to him since he doesn't know me from Adam. By the same token, Ian Livingstone's going to be there, although I can't imagine I'll be asking him for his reminiscences. I'll have to wait for his book to come out like everyone else -- I did back it!