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Firstly, thank you to Nin for the commission. You are so very Kinda! Secondly, thank you to Cynder for the story idea. I hope you enjoy what I came up with
(I've gone a little over the 1000 words, but never mind :)

The Dagger

A plume of dust rises into the air as Archie steps up into the attic. The large room, only lit up by a single small window at the far end, is full of trinkets and items from bygone times.

Scratching his head, he wonders where to start. In front of him is a large chest. To his left, piles of old clothing, and to his right, a cardboard box mountain that’s taller than he is.

“Dude…?” Quinn calls up from the base of the staircase leading up to the attic. “You found it yet?”

Archie looks around and for some reason, he’s drawn to the chest in front of him. It's old-looking but not as dusty as everything else. Almost like someone has used it recently.

“Archie!?” Quinn worries, having not heard from him. “Talk to me!”

Approaching the chest, Archie shouts back to his friend. “I’m fine, Quinn. Stop worrying.”

Kneeling before the chest, he runs his hands across its wooden surface, and not a single speck of dust finds its way onto his skin. He’s confused but excited.

His Mom is a historian and he’s always wondered about the places she’s been. The chest in front of him almost looks like it could have been taken from one of those expeditions his mother undertook before he was born.

“Hey, Quinn,” Archie shouts, hoping she can hear him. “There’s this cool chest up here!”

“Does it have your mom's N64 in it?” Quinn replies.

“I don’t know! Come up here and check it out.”

“No thanks.”


“It’s creepy, and I hate spiders.”

“Whimp!” Archie laughs, placing his hands on the chest to open it. “I’m going to open it without you.”

“I’m wearing a dress, idiot!” Quinn whines. “I’m not getting it dirty. My Mom will kill me.”

“Sucks to be a girl!” Archie laughs, placing both hands on the lid. With all his strength, he lifts it open. The chest creaks as he does, and the large lid comes to a rest, leaning up against the wall behind it.

Leaning over the edge, Archie looks inside and is quickly disappointed. It’s empty.

“Ah, man,” he moans, falling back to his knees. “It’s empty!” he shouts back down to Quinn.

“It doesn’t suck, y’know,” Quinn gripes, still continuing their conversation. “How would you know, anyways, being a smelly boy.”

Archie looks over his shoulder and smiles in Quinn’s direction. He’s clearly wound her up and that means he’s winning. “Like you know what it’s like to be a girl,” he teases. “You’re more boy than I am! That’s dress don’t fool me!”

He waits for a comeback but is disappointed when Quinn just tells him to shut up. However, at that moment, the chest makes and noise he’s spooked. Almost like something has just been dropped inside it, Archie leans forward to investigate.

To his surprise, an item, which he’s sure wasn’t there moments ago, rests at the bottom of the chest. It’s a dagger, sheathed in a bright gold covering.

“What…?” he mumbles to himself, reaching inside to take it.

Holding it up to the light, the gold glistens.

Unable to stop himself, he unsheathes the dagger and stares in wonder at the shimmering blade. The metal of the blade appears to shine a soft pink and blue. It’s like nothing he’s ever seen before.

Curious, he runs his index finger across the blade to find it so smooth it’s almost pleasant to touch.

“Ouch!” Archie whines, quickly retracting his hand as the razor-sharp blade nicks his finger and causes it to bleed.

“Archie!?” Quinn calls out, worried. “What’s going on!?”

“I’m fine,” Archie answers, looking at the blood coming from his finger before stuffing it into his mouth.

“Please come down,” Quinn pleas. “Your mom will be home soon, I bet, and she’s told us never to go up there!”

Archie can’t help but agree with Quinn, and he’s starting to feel a little faint. Taking his finger from his mouth, he does his best not to touch anything with it. Putting the blade back into its sheath, he throws it into the chest and carefully lowers the lid.

Once it’s shut, he scurries back down the attic ladder, and with Quinn's help, he closes the attic hatch.

“I cut myself,” Archine says, showing Quinn the cut on his finger, which is still bleeding.

Quinn sighs and rolls her eyes. “Where’s the first aid kit?” she asks, bemoaning that she has to, once again, look after him.

Soon after patching up his finger, Archie’s Mom returns from work. She finds the two sitting in the living room, watching the TV.

“Hey, guys,” she greets, standing in the living room doorway. “Why aren’t you two outside. It’s a nice day.”

Archie shrugs.

“Hi, Esme,” Quinn smiles. “Did you have a nice day at work?”

“I did,” Esme beams, “Thank you for asking, Quinn. If only my little boy was a girl, maybe he’d be interested in asking the same.”

Archie again shrugs.

“He cut his finger,” Quinn continues, lifting Archie’s hand to show Esme the bandage she’d expertly wrapped around it.

Esme steps into the room. “Oh,” she says, inspecting Quinn's handy work. “Good job, Quinn.” She smiles, then looks down at Archie. “I’ve gotta ask, what did you cut yourself on, young man?”

Archie takes his gaze away from the TV to look up at his mother. Her rounded glasses reflecting the sun rays beaming into the room through the large windows.

“Some weird old knife,” Archie answers flippantly.

Esme furrows her brow. Glancing between the two teenagers, she shakes her head. “Did you go into the attic?”

“We may have,” Archie replies with a cheeky smile, knowing he’s in trouble.

“Oh, Archie,” Esme groans, throwing her head back as she places her hands on her hips. “I’ve told you not to go in there.”

“He said it appeared out of nowhere,” Quinn giggles, nudging her friend to get him further into trouble.

“And what did this ‘knife’ look like?” Esme asks, looking considerably more worried than she was moments ago.

Archie rolls his head. “I dunno…,” he answers dismissively. “It was in like a white sheath. The blade flickered like bluish, pinky purple.

The blood drains from Esme's face. He just stares blankly a the wall behind them and says nothing. Confused and worried, Archie looks at Quinn. Quinn shakes her head.

The curse….,” Esme mumbles to herself, bringing a hand to her chin. She then paces up and down the living room. Quinn and Archie just watch her and start becoming a little scared.

“Mom….?” Archie says, eventually building up the courage to interrupt her. “You’re scaring me.”

Esme stops and after a second of just standing in silence, she throws them both a warm smile. “Right then,” she says, looking at Quinn. “I think it’s time you went home, young lady. I’m sure you’re Mom is going to be wondering where you are.”

Quinn slides herself off the sofa and flaps down her dress. “I’ll see you later, Archie,” she says, then turns her attention to Emse. “Bye, Ma’am. Thank you for having me over.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” Emse grins, watching Quinn leave the room. She then glares at Archie. “See, why can’t you be more polite, like her?”

Archie shrugs. “Whatever, Mom. If you like her so much, why don’t you adopt her.”

“I might just do that,” Esme laughs, throwing herself down onto the sofa to sit beside her boy. “But I have a feeling you’ll wake up tomorrow feeling a new person.”

Archie frowns and nudges his Mom away as she tries to put her arm over his shoulder.

That evening, Just as Archie is getting settled for bed, Esme enters his room and sits at the end of his bed.

“Mom?” Archie asks, wondering why she’s come in.

“How's that finger of yours?”


“Does it hurt?”

“No. I took the bandage off and it’s basically healed already.

Emse face scrunches up, but she turns away so Archie can’t see her expression. “Is that so..?” she replies, nervously fiddling it her fingers.”

Archie can tell his Mom is worried about something. She’s acting very strange.

“You’ve been acting weird around me all afternoon, Mom. Why?”

“It’s probably nothing,” Esme answers, turning to give her son a reassuring smile. “But I think you might have been cursed.”

“Cursed!?” Archie shrieks.

“Yes,” Esme nods, trying to remain calm. “That blade you found belonged to an ancient deity. In Greek mythology, it belongs to Dionysus.”

“Am I going to….,” Archie says, fearing the answer so much he’s unable to finish his sentence.

“Die?” Esme asks

Archie just nods, having gone as white as a ghost.

“No,” Esme laughs, patting her son on the leg to comfort him. “You just might wake up tomorrow changed. Dionysus is sometimes referred to as the deity of chaos. Now, depending on why that knife appeared to you—that’ll be what leads to the curse.

Archie’s eyes and mouth are wide open.

“Do you remember what you were doing when it ‘appeared’” Esme asks.

“Nothing bad,” Archie shakes his head. “I was up there looking for your N64, and I was talking to Quinn.”

“Oh,” Esme smiles. “Talking about what?”

“I dunno…,” Archie moans. “Just promise me I’m not going to die!”

“I promise.” Esme gets up from the bed and tucks him in. “Get some sleep. We’ll know for certain tomorrow morning.”


The next morning….


Emse is awoken by a very high-pitched scream coming from her son's bedroom. Reaching across for her glasses, she almost knocks them to the floor as a second scream rings around the house.

Panicked, Esme grabs her robe and rushes to her son's room. Bursting through the door, she’s left gobsmacked.

Standing in front of her son's mirror is a teenage girl of roughly the same age. Long flowing, glossy brown hair dances as the girl screams out in fear.

Looking around her son, he’s nowhere to be seen. Then she quickly notices that the Pajama’s her son was wearing the night before are the same as the ones the girl is wearing.

“Mom!” the girl screeches. Tears are streaming down her face.

Esme looks down in shock, and the random girl screaming down her house looks almost familiar. Narrowing her eyes, Esme peers into the girl's eyes and sees her son staring back at her.

“A-Archie…?” Esme asks

“Yeah…,” Archie whines, sobbing uncontrollably. “I’ve been turned into a girl!” he howls, showing his Mom the long hair cascading in front of his eyes.

“Oh my god!” Esme reacts in shock. “You’re so short. Look at you, for goodness sake! You’ve got curves and everything! I knew something would happen, but I never expected you to change this much!”

“Help me…,” Archie sobs, having to hold his PJ bottoms up to stop them from falling to his ankles.

“The curse…,” Esme mumbles, looking away in thought. “As unexpected as it is for my son to now be my daughter, this is a chance for study.”

“I don’t want to be a girl!” Archie whines, throwing himself into a heap in the middle of the floor.

Esme then begins to pace around Archie’s room, in which Archie is in the middle, freaking out about his body.

As Archie touches his budding chest and his narrow hips, he whines out. Just as Archie lifts the top of his PJ bottoms to look inside his pants, Esme snaps her fingers.

“That’s it,” Esme grins, having had a brainwave.

“Mom…?” Archie says, allowing his pants to snap closed, stopping him from looking at his privates.

To his surprise, Esme rushes out of the room, leaving the poor boy confused. As girly hair falls in front of his face, he lets out the longest sigh. He can feel that a certain part of him is gone, but he doesn’t think he can even bring himself to look.

Seconds later, Esme returns with a pair of white gloves in her hand. She thrusts them towards Archie, who looks up at her completely bemused.

“Mom…?” he asks, fighting to get the hair from his eyes.

“I can’t touch that cut, Archie,” Esme answers, dropping the gloves into his lap. “Seems the chaos Dionysus wants is genderswaps.”

“So I really am a g-g-girl!?”

“Yes, sweetheart. Now, put on those gloves. If you touch someone else, they will contract the curse and be genderswapped themselves.”

“Oh my god….,” Archie says, reaching for the gloves. “I can’t go to school today, Mom. You can’t make me. I’m not going as a girl! No way, no how!”

Esme, deep in thought begins to pace once again and doesn’t reply. She begins to mumble to herself.

“No… if I remember rightly…,” she says under her breath. “After a time, Dionysus will get bored and turn his attention elsewhere.


“Yes, yes, yes,” Esme continues to think to talk to herself. “If we don’t curse anyone else, the deity will eventually find its next prey, and everything should go back to normal.”


“Hmmmm….,” Esme paces even quicker. “So all we have to do is ride this out.” Esme then pushes her glasses up the rim of her nose. “Hmmm.. yes. Maybe a day or two. Might want to prepare for a week. I must take notes.”

“Mom…!? TALK TO ME,” Archie screams, grabbing at his new and very long hair in frustration. “I don’t want to be a girl!”

Esme stops and stares for a moment at the wall before glancing at her son, turned daughter, and smiles.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” she beams, pointing at the gloves. “Put those gloves on, and everything will be just fine.”

“How do you know!?” he asks, shaking like a leaf as he tries to put on one of the gloves.

“I don’t think you should go to school either,” Esme says, answering a question from earlier.

Having slid the second glove onto his hand, Archie looks up at his Mom and starts to cry. “Can you change me back into a boy?”

Esme chuckles…. “No.” she then kneels in front of her new daughter and touches her soft hair. “You’re going to have to be a girl for the next few days. Maybe this will be an eye-opener for you.”

Archie’s mouth drops and he bats his mother's hand away from his head in frustration.

“Careful,” Esme groans. “If that area where you got cut touches me, you’ll give me the curse.”

“Don’t touch me then.”

“But your hair is pretty.”

“I’m not pretty. Don’t call me pretty.”

“Ah, but you are,” Esme pats her son gently on the head. “Crazy to think this is what you would have looked like if you were born a girl. I think you’d have been a hit with the boys.”


“Girl-you has my nose. That’s so cute.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Still got your father's eyes, God rest his soul.”

“Mom,” Archie pouts and looks away. “Please stop.”

“Don’t worry, this’ll be fun,” Esme smiles, resting her hand on top of Archie’s head. “For the next few days me and you will hunker down in the house. We can do all the things I’ve always wanted to do with the daughter I never had.”

“Like what?” Archie asks sarcastically.

“Hmmm…,” Esme takes her hand from Archie’s head and puts a finger to her chin. “We might need some help.

Esme stands and starts to pace once more.

“Mom!?” Archie whines, grabbing her attention before she can get into her stride. “Will you stop doing that!”

Esme stops and throws her daughter a smile. “Sorry.”

“We don’t need help,” Archie worries. “Please don’t tell anyone. I don’t want anyone to know…” he looks down at his girl's body and throws out his arms. “That I was ever this…a girl.”

“Quinn….” Esme face lights up. “I’m going to give that sweet friend of yours a phone call. I’m sure she’ll lend you some clothes!”

“Mom!!?” Archie shrieks, getting to her feet. “No!”


Later that morning.


As soon as the doorbell rings, Esme is at the door answering it. As she opens the door, Quinn stands at the door with a suitcase beside her.

“Morning, sweetheart,” Esme greets her, standing aside to let her in.

Quinn rolls the suitcase into the house. “What's going on?” she asks, taking off her shoes. “Don’t get me wrong, Ma’am,” Quinn continues, neatly placing her pumps to one side. “I’m happy I’m off school for the week, but why am I coming over here to stay with you guys? Why did I have to bring as many clothes as I could?”

Esme closes the door behind her and gives the young girl the widest of grins.

“Archie,” she calls out, winking at Quinn. “Come and say hello to your friend.”

Confused, Quinn looks up in the direction of the living room. Eventually, a girl around her age steps into view. Her hair is up in a messy ponytail, and she’s wearing Archie’s PJ’s. Standing timidly, with her hands together, the girl can barely look Quinn in the eyes.

“Who’s this?” Quinn whispers to Esme, trying not to be rude to the unfamiliar girl.

“Look harder,” Esme whispers back. “Look past the long hair and into her eyes.”

Bemused, Quinn does as instructed. She stares at the girl.

“Say hello to Quinn,” Esme instructs

Made to feel incredibly nervous, Archie can only manage a quick glance in Quinn's direction and a very small wave.

“Wait…!?” Quinn squeaks, pointing at Archie but looking at Esme. “Is that…?

Esme nods

“Is that…..?”

Esme nods and smiles.

“Archie…?” Quinn asks, slowly turning her head to look at Archie’s new girly figure.

“You see why we’ve asked you over?” Esme asks with a giggle. “Archie’s been cursed and transformed into a girl. Now, as long as he doesn’t touch us with his finger, he should be fine.”

Archie lifts his hands to show Quinn the gloves.

“Why?” Quin asks curiously.

“You’ll be genderswapped yourself, Esme answers with a smirk. “Unless you want to gain meat and two veg, young lady, I suggest you avoid.”

“That’s crazy!!” Quinn laughs out loud, excited by the face her best friend is now a girl. “He’s so cute as a girl.”

“I know, right,” Esme grins. “I thought between me and you, we could help him live the full ‘girly’ experience. Plus, I’m sure this will make a great case study on the dynamics of gender switching.”

“Mom….!” Archie whines, throwing his head back. “Stop being so excited about this!”

“His voice,” Quinn gaps, reacting to hearing it for the first time. “It’s so cute.”

“I’m glad you both find this so…. enjoyable…,” Archie complains. “Maybe I should touch one of you and let you see how it feels!”

Esme raises a hand in Archie’s direction and wags her finger. “We’ve spoken about this, Archie. If you do that, the curse will go on for longer. Argo—you’ll be a girl for longer.”

“Fine…,” Archie huffs, folding his arms. “Just keep that hole ‘cute’ and ‘adorable’ nonsense to a minimum. I’m still a strong boy on the inside.”

Ignoring him, Quinn turns to Esme and shows him her suitcase. “I see why you wanted me to bring this now.”

Esme nods

“She doesn’t have any clothes of her own, does she?”

Esme shakes her head. “He’s too small to fit into mine. I think he’s shorter than you even.”

Quinn claps her hands together, and a smug smile works its way across her face. “I’ve got the perfect outfit in mind!”

Esme face lights up. “You do?”

Quinn nods frantically, flicking the skirt of her own dress. “He always teases me for wearing dresses, so if it’s okay—can he wear one of mine?”

“No!” Archie whines. “I’m not doing that!”

“I think that’s fair, young lady,” Esme reacts, again wagging her finger. “I told you not to go into that attic. Although I think you’ll enjoy it, this will be your punishment for disobedience.”

Archie stamps a foot. “No.”

“That’s deffo, Archie,” Quinn giggles. “I’d recognized that sassy attitude anywhere.”

“Shut up.”

“Be nice, Archie,” Esme scolds. “Quinn didn’t have to come around and make these next few days more fun for you. I could ask her to go home and you’ll have to spend the next few days with me and me alone.”

“Oh, fine…,” Archie begrudgingly replies. “Sorry…….Quinn…”

“Good,” Esme says with a clap of her hands. “Firstly, I’m going to brush my new daughter's hair and teacher her a little about her new body.” Esme then points at the suitcase. “Quinn, can I give you the task of picking out something cute for my daughter to wear?”

“I’d love that!” Quinn squeals with excitement.


Later that morning…


Having had his hair brushed and put into a braid by his mother, Archie stands with Quinn in his bedroom. Bright red with embarresment, he tries to hide his new body from Quinn as he stands in front of her, wearing only a pair of her briefs and a bra.

“Do you have to be in here?” Archie complains, trying to cover his chest and crotch.

Quinn isn’t paying much attention to him. She’s looking at the dress she’s picked out and laying it on the bed.

“Funny how you’ve got a bigger chest than me,” Quinn says sourly, made to feel a little jealous of the boy who’s now got a more grown-up female chest than she does.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Are they sore?” Qunin asks, turning to face him.

Archie shrugs. “I’m trying my best not to think about any of the sensations this body is giving me.”

“Mine are,” Quinn comments, touching her chest. “I keep thinking that it’s a sign that they are going to grow, but they never seem to. I’m worried I’m going to be flat.


Quinn looks at her friend, confused.

“Stop talking to me like I’m a real girl,” Archie complains. “This chest you’re so clearly jealous of is only temporary.”

“I’m not jealous!” Quinn gasps.

“You so are,” Archie grins, staring to feel more like himself. “Still, stop talking about them. Just put yourself in my shoes. What if I touched you and transformed you into a boy…then I just kept going on about how your sausage was bigger than mine. Would that make you feel good?”

“Okay, fine,” Quinn huffs. “Don’t take it so personally. I was only curious, you being a girl and all of my age.”

“I know…,” Archie replies, rubbing his arm. “I’m sorry. I know you’re only trying to help. It’s just this is strange for me.”

“What was that,” Quinn chuckles. “Did you just say sorry, Archie?”

“Yeah…….?” Archie nods, giving her a look of confusion. “Is that so weird?”

“A little.”


“I’m just not used to it from you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I dunno,” Quinn rolls her eyes. “It just seems you’re more in tune with my emotions as a girl. The boy, you would never have said sorry just then. You would have continued to tease me.”

Archie furrows his brow and looks away in thought. “I do kinda feel bad for that right now. Strange, I don’t feel like doing anything I usually like.”

Quinn steps closer. “What is it you feel like doing?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Do you want to wear something pretty? Maybe let me teach you how to do a little bit of makeup?”

“Clothes would be good,” Archie replies honestly. “I don’t like how you keep staring at my body.”

“I’m not staring!” Quinn’s quick to state. Her cheeks going rosy red, Quinn turns away.

Archie notices how bashful Quinn has become. Although he’s standing in just her borrowed underwear, he can’t help but look up at her.

“Why are you going all shy, Quinn?” he asks, laughing as she completely turns her back on him.

“No reason.”

“No, come on,” Archie grins. “I’ve never seen you go red like that before, and I’ve changed in front of you as a boy many times.”

Wanting to change the subject, Quinn picks up the green summer dress she’s picked out for him and holds it up. “I chose this for you!”

“Lovely,” Archie replies, stepping closer, which makes Quinn even more uncomfortable. “Are you going all shy because I’m a girl now??”

“No…” Quinn answers, frantically shaking her head.

Archie places a hand on Quinn’s shoulder with his gloved hand and spins her on the spot. Now facing each other, Quinn’s entire face goes red.

“Are you attracted to girls, Quinn?”

She wildly shakes her head and bites down hard on her bottom lip

“Wait,” Archie says seriously, thinking he was teasing. “D-do you actually like girls? Is that why you’re so uncomfortable with this right now!?”

“Stop it.”

“OMG,” Archie gasps. “You really are attracted to me like this, aren’t you!?”

“Okay!” she shouts, throwing her arms down in frustration. “Yes… I like girls. Are you happy!?”

Archie is stunned for a moment, and he backs away from her. He looks down at himself, wearing her bra and the blossoming chest that it hides. His body is reacting to the situation in ways he’s never felt before. He feels a strong urge to be close to Quinn.

“I’m sorry,” he says, looking at Quinn as tears bubble in her eyes. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Give me that dress, I’ll go put it on, and we’ll say nothing more of this… okay?”

“It’s fine…,” Quinn answers, wiping the tears from her eyes. “It’s just this is so crazy. You’re my best friend, and now that you’re a girl, I’m struggling with the fact I’m attracted to you physically. I’ll leave some clothes for you to wear for these next few days, but I think I should leave.”

“Don’t go.”

“I think I should. I’m sure you don’t feel the same way about me right now, so I don’t want to make things awkward.”


“Ah, don’t worry…,” Quinn tucks hair behind one ear and smiles. “As soon as you’ve turned back into a boy, all of this won’t matter, will it?”

Archie thinks for a moment as he stares into the eyes of his best friend. He’d never notice just how cute she really is. How her blonde hair shimmers in the daylight and how her blue eyes sparkle with life.

His body reacts in a way that only a woman’s can.

“Kiss me,” Archie says, almost surprised those words came out of his mouth.

“I can’t do that…,” Quinn replies softly, not breaking eye contact.

Stepping forward, Archie’s body urges him to touch her. As he brings his gloved hand to her cheek, she smiles.

Still looking into each other's eyes, they slowly bring their lips together. Hearts both beating like crazy, their lips touch, and there are instant sparks between them.

They share one single kiss.

As they move away from each other, Quinn puts her arms around Archie’s sides and holds him. Archie does the same, and as they hold each other, they stare lovingly into each other's eyes.

“Is your vagina all wet?” Quinn asks in amusement, breaking into a broad smile. “Mine is.”

Archie looks down at himself. “Yeah…,” he awkwardly laughs, looking at the briefs he’s wearing. “I think it is. Wow, this is wild.”

“So you like me too?” Quinn asks, bringing him closer to her with ease.

Embarrassed to admit his feelings, especially now he’s a girl, Archie slowly looks up and into Quinn’s blue eyes. “I erm…” he stumbles on his words.

Not giving him a second to finish his sentence, Quinn grabs the hand that got cut the day before, and she slowly starts peeling the glove from his hand.

“W-what are you doing!?” Quinn asks, trying to stop her.

From outside Archie’s bedroom, Esme gently knocks on the door. “Are you two girls okay in there?” she questions. “You’ve been in there for ages. Do you need any help?”

“No, Mom!” Archie shouts back, taking his attention away from Quinn. “We are fine. Quinn’s just showing me a few things.”

Hearing the floorboards creek as his mother walks away, Archie is about to breathe a sigh of relief, but before he knows it, Quinn has placed that same index finger from yesterday onto her cheek.

“Wow, Quinn!” he squeals, whipping his hand out from her grasp. “What have you done! Me touching you means you’re going to transform into a guy!!”

“I know,” she smiles, bringing her face in close for another kiss.

Stealing a kiss from Archie’s confused lips, she remains close to him and runs her fingers through his hair.

“This is going to be so much fun,” she giggles playfully. “You a girl and me a guy.”

“Quinn, why!?”

“Why not?” she replies, stealing another kiss. “Aren’t you curious?”

Archie looks down, and his briefs are now even wetter than before. His body is very curious, but is he mentally ready for that?

“But that means I’ll stay as a girl for longer,” he moans.

“You were right,” Quinn replies, touching his lips with her fingers. “Being a girl does suck. Time to let chaos rain!”




Embrace the chaos!