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I love The Yarp


Originally the bet for the CS:GO Knife was when the Knife was below the price of $14,000 within a year, Aiden would have to buy Ludwig, Slime, and Nick a total of 300 CS Boxes and Keys for 100 Cases and Keys for each person with the cases being modestly priced. If the price is above $14,000 within a year, Ludwig, Slime, and Nick would have to buy Aiden 300 CS Boxes and Keys with each member having to give him 100 CS Boxes and Keys while the cases being modestly priced as well.


The bet was that on the next premo Aiden can't refuse any loads


I interned at the ohioepa and I was in division of waste management aka the people who deal with landfills and shit get crazy in there. My coworkers told me stories of people breaking into closed landfills to fuck cause they essentially are just a hill that still require regulations and despite being closed to fuck out side cause I guess some people are into that. There are stories of I guess essentially of models who sometime want to take pictures on them. And some landfills are home to homeless camps . So essentially there is unfortunately a non zero chance that some one has been molested in one.

Kyler Winters

Yay I love the yard premium!

tubby prime

new yarn :-) yay :-) Sent from My IPhone


I lub the Yarg


Thanks for the content boys

Abraham Perkins

A CV as as a B B s C B B c we was was saw was saw was saw saw aware aware e b as a Was saw a S B B as scars sees x B B s B. C seas saw Asa C seas V saw Asa see. Adds a C s C B as Asa’s s B B as s B as Asa was a C s C was no CB was a was B was a a a A C B A as adds. Z B a C B A C a Am a c saw s B awards was Asa a CV b I seas n saw saws a CB a C B was see saw aware was was was w a w was a m as MM B CB was saw see a s s a B a Was a B as a saw saw was a C see an C B a C B a C B a Aware a C e awards a C B awards a C s Was saw x B B awards was a C B w C B b B awards was see were we w was a E can we see We s v s B was a Awards seas was a War w v s v Bc v a s v w v s b a b b a v v e


If only Cody Ko wasn’t busy, he’s the goat at marathons


Number of days in August bit was so funny, thank you Slime


the dnd episode gotta be a whole animated movie because holy shit

Jakob Boyd

I knew a girl that blocked her on-again-off-again boyfriend on all socials. He sent her a $1 cashapp with the caption “please talk to me”. It defo happens