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  • 00:00:00 - nick is fucked up...
  • 00:01:10 - slime was excited to have a juvee today
  • 00:03:00 - shake is on tren
  • 00:04:40 - shake worked out with ludwig
  • 00:08:20 - "clungehound"
  • 00:08:45 - yingling got a free ps5 from a yardigan
  • 00:16:00 - ludwig rankings
  • 00:17:00 - slimes theory about scuffed world tour & mang0
  • 00:21:27 - checking out smash wiki's
  • 00:24:40 - cody schwab's melee hall of fame
  • 00:30:00 - adding aiden to the yard
  • 00:32:19 - asasin creen kills slime
  • 00:33:30 - top 5 aiden moments
  • 00:39:19 - sorry will neff
  • 00:43:26 - aiden bumped into the swedish football team at a nightclub 
  • 00:45:31 - we were recognised in france by a fan playing league of legends
  • 00:48:30 - slime on the scene
  • 00:50:00 - JB vs JT
  • 00:51:43 - nick has a disturbing morning
  • 00:54:30 - old people love telling you tragic things
  • 00:57:00 - thanks for watching


Diego Becerra

Its actually far cry 4 that u win without leaving the starting area


I love the confidence at which slime says it really makes you believe


i was about to leave my first comment to say this lol

Zach Smeltzer

Aiden you silly boy, don't do that to Slime


love when zipper contributes thru notepad :3


Aiden with that hair looks like the fighting pit's prized rooster


yo happy day to anyone reading this. YOU ARE LOVED AND APPRECIATED (probably, maybe, idk im not your dad :) )


MM in EU is so fucking bad especially in gold

Jessica Kate St. Michael

100 reps of 135 is actually great for hypertrophy, assuming ur doing SETS of 10 to 20

Raghav Pant



oh my god poor will

Tyler B.

For the uninitiated: dracula flow is part of jojis new side project plummcorp, sort of a spiritual successor channel to the filthy frank show

Cole Garvais

poor will neff they (lud) did brethren dirtily


I love that even though I don’t know much about Melee, I can still enjoy when the boys talk about it. That’s how you know it’s a good pod. They can talk about something completely irrelevant to me but I’ll still listen intently ❤️


I think is top funniest first 1 minute of any ep ever

Tj Sullivan

uncharted is great, fuck slime


i found out that ny best friend of 12 years was lying about having cancer and then i had to go to work for 8 hours

Jacob Bryant

Regardless of how nonchalant it seems, you really do make a lot of our days better. I lost my best friend last night and this is one of the only things that has helped me today even just to laugh along. It is nice to have something to look forward to every week when nothing feels right.


as a lesbian i feel so much solidarity with slime, i too am forced to gasp when i see women because of their breathtakingness


aiden shouldn't do that

Nathan Henderson

where do I give my money to hear what was censored by slime?


I felt something when it zoomed in on Aiden with his hair like that...


i think if you won 40 valo games straight on a fresh account you get immortal minimum and its not close, even after like a ~7 winstreak you’d start skipping full ranks every win, and id bet money 40 wins straight gets you radiant. different game ik but in rocket league if you win all 10 placements on a fresh account you can get placed grand champ, and are gaining like +40 a win so youre another ~10 wins off ssl

Dad Rs

Jesus what could Slime have possibly said about that dead kid that needed to be censored on Patreon for


aiden looks great


....have you even played Uncharted?

Joshua Haskett

As a recent ps5 owner like yingling uncharted 4 slaps


Back to back really is the way to go, it gets so much more ludicrous


This isn’t to criticize nick or like say he did somth wrong bc how could u really know without explicitly being told/taught but if someone is bleeding out u can try and stop the blood flow by constricting above where it’s coming from (aka tourniquet for arms or legs, tie something tight above the wound), just covering the wound w a cloth or gauze and applying pressure (unless it’s stomach or neck then u wouldn’t want to constrict those vital areas) . Everyone should watch like a YouTube video on what to do if someone is bleeding if u happen to be approached w this situation! I am absolutely not a medical professional or even related to what I do I’ve just done a short disaster relief training before. Medical professionals feel free to correct or add to what I’ve said :)


There also could be a fear of doing further damage to an injured person, check ur states laws - I live in Michigan and we have a Good Samaritan protection law so for example if u do cpr on someone and they die u won’t be charged. Learning how to do these things and practicing them is important tho so u don’t hurt whoever ur trying to help and can help friend/family/stranger in emergency situations 🙏🏼


old dude could've been on blood thinners, aunt got scratched by my dog while she was taking them and the living room floor was covered in a centimeter of blood

Rose Canady

the anime akagi is about a guy who picked up a game and won 40 straight

Nik Elodeon

24 hr podcast when?


i tried touching my elbows behind my back and the tomato i had pierced on a knife went splat on the floor and now i’m upset

Skiddly Winks

Ong, I'm bi so I do the same thing with beautiful guys too, but I'll literally just be buying things in a Walmart and get startled by hot people just doing their thing


Real shit. I’m not even a full minute in and I’m already crying from laughter.

David S.

listening to the primo at Windsor castle, wondering if yingo and prince Harry would be friends...


Imagine instead of a high definition picture of a kidney stone, it’s all AI generated fucked up


Turn the stream on Slime we need more Bald Baddies streaming

Eivind Storkersen

if someone told me "go to Yingling" without any context i'd assume it means to go to hell or something ㅎㅎ

Jeb Bush

I like to think that Aiden was getting shitfaced with Elanga, Isak and Sabitzer


aiden has never made me laugh harder than this ep like i was cackling at just his weird walk and then he got the fn tape i was dying


ayo censorship in a patreon ep?????? wtf did slime say??????????

Colin Montville

41:26 top ten zipper two cents


it must be SO bad to be censored in a patreon


Far Cry, I think, is the game you were looking for where you do nothing for a different ending.


I hooked up with a Larry, Frank, and Albert… mistakes were made


Yeah I was thinking it doesn't remind me of anything in Fallout, we got some fake gamers up here?


My only guess is, they minecrafted themself, but in harsher words


Calgary mentioned hell ye


what did slime say at the end…


yeah idk what slime is talking about on this one I think he just hasn’t played it and is forming a take


I work in a hospital so I’m used to a lot of blood and stuff so it’s always so interesting to hear how people handle those situations

cole deko

what does the “babytroned” joke mean


Ludwig looks like the guy from Lego exo force

lucas brandon

Wait you're saying slime has an opinion on something he's not really Privy to? Surely that's never happened before.


Bro I cant flex my chest either!!!


TIL bodybuilders' life expectancy is 47 years and that dissuaded me from ever exercising again.


Slime is the definition of fickle . Pls never change u r funnyman


It's crazy how when they're talking about uncharted Nick mistakes it for far cry and then slime mistakes it again for fallout, 3 completely different games with completely different gameplay. Like bro are y'all allergic to being right?