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  • 00:00:00 - nick saw a guy
  • 00:01:20 - rocking meat 
  • 00:03:20 - a genie arrives
  • 00:04:10 - ludwig has 3 wishes 
  • 00:06:25 - ludwig asks for more wishes
  • 00:07:30 - ludwig wants a fish in his ear
  • 00:09:17 - cool genie
  • 00:09:42 - ludwigs second wish 
  • 00:10:55 - ludwigs final wish
  • 00:11:30 - unlimited yinglings
  • 00:12:55 - nicks first wish 
  • 00:13:36 - nicks second wish
  • 00:14:55 - nicks final wish
  • 00:16:30 - genie suggests a wish for aiden
  • 00:17:33 - aidens first wish 
  • 00:18:43 - aidens second wish
  • 00:19:50 - ludwig's fourth wish
  • 00:26:51 - slime's first wish
  • 00:31:06 - young street soulja 
  • 00:32:31 - what ludwig thought about the tier list episode
  • 00:34:58 - schlatts new podcast 
  • 00:37:38 - slime has started becoming a content creator
  • 00:40:48 - lying to viewers
  • 00:43:10 - log cabin youtube
  • 00:47:53 - 134mil views for kid playing baseball with his dad
  • 00:49:50 - being testers
  • 00:51:15 - ludwig's banana bread
  • 00:53:10 - aiden's bye bye bread
  • 00:57:13 - thanks for watching



it would take roughly ~115 poops for aiden's half pooping to be smaller than the planck length


According to the U.N. FAO, 0.0% of Malta is forested


Good ep 👍


No Sekiro 2 but Wo Long Fallen Dynasty is allegedly close its the NIOH version of Sekiro.


Donald Dump

Jason Queen

My genie wish would be that anytime I say the phrase “fuckle your seatbelts” it comes out in Charlie Moist Cr1tiKaL’s voice

Mighty Mulder

Re the outdoor youtube guys, my favourite by far is Xander Budnick if you haven't seen him yet Slime. Also Lost Lakes is fantastic as well but more focus on canoe camping and winter hot tent camping.


I'd wish for selective immediate perfect retention, so that when I'm learning something new I can choose to have it be in my brain forever upon the first time learning. Then I'd wish for no risk of any form of memory loss. Final wish would be to reroute 90% of all global military funding to education and social services.


the wishes / genie convo rotted my brain


Somewhat ugly is correct. I stand with ludwig


len0killer is great


I think this is the Best premium in recent memory


my wish is for ludwimg to make me baba bread

g d

i want to know what ludwig’s challenge was for slime so bad


How did they not talk about the Streamer awards after party? Did QT ask them not to?


i listened to the audio of this too and god damn i just had to listen wgain


Holy shit, that skater guy and his kid... I used to watch his old videos with (I think) his company Braille . I had no idea he had blown up this much???? Crazy man.

Alex Meiller

crazy that Nick mentioned Andy Shrock in this ep. He's the reason I started skating and also introduced me to my favorite band


I'd ask the genie for the 2 minutes of content I've been robbed of.

Nom Nom

Im gonna send this to my friend named Tabitha.


all I want is Slime farming simulator


I cannot believe that ludwig and nick are against the high production quality camping video. Sure the allure of those are typically people being good at survival and showing how to do something but millions of network television shows have proven that having famous people do stuff badly is very entertaining.


The idea of Ludwig explaining how to make a fire and then failing and then a bad cut to him using a torch to get it started and then pretend he used basic tools is so good. Think the office with michael scott surviving in the woods


slime encouraging ludwig to talk about his banana bread making is so awesome, slime is cool.

M Almano

nick turned up this ep


Nobody asked but my wish is for Slime to start streaming :(


This is the episode where I realize that Ludwig doesn't know french


ludwig could never be president because he didn’t think of the obvious “donald dump”


this is crazy seeing the idea of the camping stream into a reality

Nate Weeks

dude its like a 20 minute long bit about genies, dont read into it so much.


need that banana bread recipe

Nicholas Koi

"im not gonna fuck you" *looks at camera* is such a good bit god i love nick

mohammad m

Did they plan that intro? lmfao Ludwig QUICK on the react! i hadda play it back so many times


The rocker meat dude is probably in some local poser straight edge punk band who fucks like crazy and smokes hella weed off stage

Alec Rose

This one straight fire frfr

Skiddly Winks

Rewatching episodes rn and the whole genie bit might be my favorite one they've ever run