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I think once Slime really alligns what his goals are for the future he has a sure shot to being a successful content creator. Right now it seems like there's a lot of muddiness in what direction he wants to go in but that'll obviously take time with whatever work he's doing as of now for Ludwig. Either way you're that guy Slime we'll eat up those highlights compilations because we're starving rn.

Isaac Sterling

I really dislike the idea that getting more views is more important than informing the consumer. I really don’t care how good the content actually is; it still strikes me as weird and manipulative.


Felt like I listened to an advice show ep

Adam garrison

Atrioc has a video about these ads you guys talked about an hour in. I'd ask him about it he knows a lot


This episode was phenomenal


I think there’s a disconnect you have to realise for what your willing to spend money on and what a CEO of a major company is willing to spend money on and how that falls down, a board of directors probably have an idea of how they want their company to appear and how they want it to look, but they don’t know how to do that and they’re not going to do that themselves so they use their resources to hire a marketing department to make those decisions with some input for them, but then that marketing department gets a budget and if they don’t use it they’ll lose some budget next year, and the rich execs won’t care cause they’re still making money, it’s a lot of money but the people who make the decision to give someone a lot of money to make a piece of art that shows their company in the way they want will just be happy, I don’t think it’s directly tied to boomers/non-boomers just tied to work culture, which is also why I think you see a lot less high budget ads and a completely different marketing strategy used in like Japan/China/Korea, because the work culture is so different to the western work culture. I think it is being realised that you can just post a stupid TikTok for your company with a bouncing cat that will get your brand awareness out there


Can’t wait for Ludwig to have his Griffith Arc because slime left


Apples 3 min ads that you’ve never seen in Tv are probably just ones that they thought weren’t good enough. Just like Mr Beast videos sometimes they finish the video and say “well that’s kinda shit”. But with ads you have 0 reason not to still post it because if anyone sees it it’s still just an ad lol they aren’t gonna say “apple felled off” like they would after a shitty mr breast video. Like they already paid for the ad, they just haven’t paid for the 30s Tv slot that they cut it down into yet because they don’t think it’s good enough. It’s probably them just trying to get their moneys worth lol why would they just can the 3 min ad lol maybe it just didn’t work as a 30s ad so they couldn’t cut it down


Without Ludwig needing to clock right at the hour it’s hype that we get a bit of extra content


I've been smoking that Historia Civilis shit for years now. Glad to see him getting some respect :)


I almost stopped watching Ludwig at one point because of the clickbait, I think you guys are making very valid points lol

Cross Johansen

I had to hear more about screws and bolts on this podcast from aiden then i do from my dad who literally works in fasteners

Alex Nelson

i know ur not lying bc who tf knows the term working in “fasteners” except someone who knows someone working there lol


Knowing that CourageJD is a fan of the podcast makes this episode so much fucking funnier man


Nick is right, so much money is spent placating CEOs. I work at a ~500 person company and its insane how much money we lose just because it makes a random higher up happy. We have an entire line of shitty lights that don't sell because a higher ups wife wanted it and he didn't want to pay full retail (we get an employee discount)