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“I don’t care what kind of car the chicken are in”. Every episode a nick comment/joke flies under the radar and want him to know I hear him.


Ludwig will finally earn Slime's respect by making a Mogul Mail about fucking a gorilla


Ludwig making a point about veganism being good but starting with “fucking animals isn’t bad,” is some wild shit


The Yard gives up meat for Lent

Samuel Jasek

not the first time ludwig foreplayed the idea of veganism with the moral quandary of bestiality on this podcast.


“Fish don’t have pussies” - Nick


“Eli blasts cracking 4s like a vase”


20 minutes, 20 minutes I waited for them to state animals can’t consent..

David Cropp

The yard inventing anarcho-communism


I know the race Nick, I know it


Tay-K lore. 1: he didn’t kill anybody he was just there for the killing 2: he also beat and robbed an elderly man in a park, He got bars tho.


Animals can’t consent, also humans evolutionarily need meat. When we kill animals to eat it has a purpose in the circle of life. Having …. Is not needed


He’s gonna get exposed just like Atrioc

Cross Road

Yeah but many people are in the situation where there are easily available alternatives to meat that provide the same nutrients


As someone who lives in enumclaw I approve this message


I would fuck my food first


I know a lot of pig farmers and can safely say they don’t use gas chambers.


Is it still inhumane If you make the cow cum?

Nik Kahn

Speaking of getting a doctor on the podcast, you should make a whole episode group therapy with Dr. K


Getting real sick of this whole autism bit. I was forced into being a 3rd parent to my younger autistic brother since I was 4 years old. It is astonishing the stress it puts on a family, ~80% of marriages that have an autistic child end in divorce. It was and is insanely difficult to navigate. It’s not some cute quirk to assign people who like to Excel, this is a real issue real people have that changes their entire lives ):


all the other shit they talk about but the autism bit is where you draw the line? lmao okay


The idea of the 15 minute is lit, the protests is against being fined for leaving your assigned area


Bro I cannot find this Harry Potter clip I feel so left out


there are issues with the implementation and the way it was pitched, but the protests themselves are mostly part of anti-vax & anti-covid lockdown nonsense. great documentary by "feed the machine" on youtube that covers how batshit things have gotten

Michael Eng

This might have been the best episode so far just because of the gorilla bit.


as an autistic person, i will be listening to this episode again just because the autism bits were so funny.


As someone who also has an autistic family member (my twin sister) and has had to take care of her since I was 5-6 years old, the bit is funny af. I personally think the main reason why you have a problem w/ the bit is because you have a somewhat personal experience w/ the joke, and I think a good thought to have is to recognize that they aren't personally attacking you or your family with this joke: they are simply doing it for comedy. Stop taking it so personal. Now if they specifically called out you or your life, then by all means fight back, hell I'll be in your camp, but they aren't lol

Lil Water

I made a mistake listening to this out loud in public.


So Ludwig thinks that eating animals and fucking them are equivalent (and bad), nick wants a gorilla to give lud an hj, slime wants to fuck a gorilla, and Aiden is bisexual


They couldn’t satisfy a cow man