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00:00:00 - Intro

00:06:02 - I rely on my friends to help motivate me as I struggle my motivate myself.

00:41:06 - My mind races at night and I can't sleep because of it.

01:06:12 - My friend is copying my hobbies to try to interest a girl in our friendship group. How do I talk to him about it?




Honestly - I think I like the old format better. The ability to clarify the question and add context leads to a narrow answer. Whereas before, you diversified the solution to make it applicable to different situations. I liked listening to you two tackle the problems on a grander scheme, which allowed people listening to apply these solutions to their own lives. The advice may also change when the person is directly listening, since the “face-to face” bias is now there and the advice may be less honest/nicer. The qualities of the old format was the reason I subscribed to the higher tier :)

Kai Dahl

IMO I prefer the old format I don’t hate this, but I feel like the advice would be more honest In the old format. My favorite episodes are where you put some dipshit on blast, like the dude who put his coworkers down for employees.

Kai Dahl

Put his coworkers down for promotions, not employees It’s 3 AM


I really enjoyed this format. It felt like you guys could really get to the actual underlying problems way better by asking them questions. The advice was really well worded this episode


I enjoy the audio while I'm going to work but I'm sure having the video option would be great too. I do think having callers sort of change the dynamic of the podcast and messes with the way you two are able to bounce off each other while you try to decipher and navigate the questions though.


I love the dynamic of Nick The Advice Mam and Aiden The Unhelpful Cow. Really enjoyed this format!


Honestly, I think both formats have a bunch to offer. It could honestly work bouncing back and forth between the 2 to keep the Advice show fresh and not as repetitive. This style is more suited for long form Q and A for the guys to dig in and focus more on the viewers perspective. The old format is more of a focus on Nick and Aiden bouncing around a prompt which is fun too.


I agree with this but I also want to add that I think that them asking so many questions actually lead to them misunderstanding the questions. Like the first question, the guy asked a broad question about a pattern he's seen throughout his life, and gave valorant solo queue as an example. But so many questions were asked specifically about his problems with solo queue it kinda just seemed like that's all you really wanted to answer, instead of applying the "solution" to that example to the actual question he asked at the start.

Elijah Rojas

I have two ideas for the format. Mix the old and new format doing a 1-2 of each in an ep. Or you could mix them in a different way- I think it might be cool if they write in, you read their message, then get them on the call so you can ask clarifying questions. Might be eclectic to organize, but I'd prefer either of those options other than making people who are less prepped to speak in an audience/perhaps to someone they look up to about something touchy in their life. Prepping the message in advance then having then call in afterward would probably result in more precise advice

Aric Mitchell

I just went to show my girlfriend the Advice Show. She has watched several full episodes of the yard with me and when I explained that this was a show by Nick and Aiden she said "There's a Nick on the Yard?" I guess we know who she would kill on the pod if given the chance...


I think the first caller should consider seeing a psychiatrist or therapist. I had all those same issues for years and didn't understand why after searching for answers. I later found out at nearly 27 that I have ADHD those problems can be attributed to that at times. I'm no doctor, and his problems could be plenty of other things, but it wouldn't hurt to talk with a professional.