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The timeline of both the podcast audio and the movie are 1:1.


0:00:00 in our audio is 0:00:00 in the movie.

Start playing both at the same time. If you need to pause, you can refer to the time of our audio to re-sync back up.

[Watched on Disney Plus, available elsewhere]



Patton Montgomery

The dad looks like Trent Reznor if he went to therapy instead of making Nine Inch Nails


Yall are crazy, this was way better than Luck of the Irish


I'm 10 minutes in, and imma breakdown the Jewish stereotypes that I noticed as a Jew: All Jews wear yamakas, Jews have weird last names, Jews are short, Jews are rich (his family clearly lives in a nice apartment), Jews have big noses (they casted motherfuckers with the biggest noses), Jews are studying nerds, Jews are doctors (his parents wanted him to be a doctor).

Mason Shackelford

I'm 24 minutes in and I have a hard read that the girl is gonna come into the game in the last scene and score the game winning shot on an airbud technicality

Mason Shackelford

At 1:05:27 there's a painting of what I'm 95% sure is supposed to be Karl Marx and it's fucking me up


What if Max keeble’s big move was actually just a layup with his left hand?

Nick Pearson

During the finals they used the same sitcom guest star cheer at least 3 times for a shot celebration

James Conway

The Kanye wearing a yamaka joke has aged perfectly