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00:01:08 - My girlfriend has a problem with me watching porn, but I don't want to stop
00:17:01 - After fucking a postal service man, I only want to fuck more post-men. My current spouse is NOT one
00:22:48 - I am in a cult, and want to escape.
00:41:16 - I have a great -job offer that allows me to work remote from almost anywhere...besides my long distance girlfriends state
00:53:56 - My strict, Muslim mother will not let me move out for college. Also, I think I'm gay.
01:06:34 - I want to play soccer professionally, but my parents won't allow it




I’m gonna be the only one commenting here in like 2024 but like hearing that question abt the muslim student moving out was crazy to me bc I’m in a somewhat similar situation albeit with important differences and I’ve never met any other Muslims who think the same at least openly but I’ve ‘found’ one through this show. Hope that listener is doing well these days and is living a life they’re happy with

Ruth Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 18:09:49 Fart
2024-02-25 00:24:37 Fart



lets gooooo advice time


Sometimes when I listen to this podcast I realize my problems arnt as bad as I think they are 🤣

Tyler Moss

can’t wait to listen to this on the drive to work tomorrow, thank u bois


Thanks guys for making the show, I exercise more often now thanks to you! How? I decided to listen to advice show (starring Aiden) or the podast only while at the gym. So now I go there 3-4 times a week and I'm getting ripped already!


Please make “Smoke this weed with me” a segment where you guys give advice you are 110% not qualified for.


The third one sounds a lot like Scientology.


The Mormon story from Nick sounds so similar to my friend. He got converted to Mormon a few years before I met him, and up until lately, he would constantly try to convert me. I’d bring up losing in a game and he’d be like “You know, you’d win more often if you were religious” and he tried so often. I found it very weird but always respected it because I’m not one to diss religion. It was just uncomfortable a lot


Luckily, the dude is a great guy and genuinely fun to be around. Was just pushy about his religion for awhile. He’s stopped now though


I almost spit out my food at "amazon" being the safe word


I was literally thinking of the Johnny Harris video when Nick was explaining the cult question.


Is it just me or is the audio quiet on these? I turn it to full blast but any noise in the background can overpower it


The cult one is for sure for sure Jahova witness they teach horrible things about anyone who isn't a follower.


Yeah, but I think the anonymous person would like to keep it hidden though

Colin Maher

I swear to god I said “amazon” two seconds before Nick did and I came.


She needs to go POSTAL? Edit: Also, the cult one sounds like Quakers, because they call church meetings.


This episode features the funniest 18-year-old girl I have ever heard of