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  • 00:00:00 - recording with linustechtips

  • 00:03:37 - aidens fit

  • 00:04:19 - nick's new look

  • 00:06:44 - ludwig's thoughts on the last episode

  • 00:08:43 - whose fault was it

  • 00:10:40 - the motorcycle lessons

  • 00:12:09 - chris pine

  • 00:13:52 - tickles you

  • 00:15:15 - nick cheese grated his hand

  • 00:18:00 - aiden went to copenhagen for the CS2 major

  • 00:20:13 - jumping into the water

  • 00:22:37 - nick went to a popup COD tournament

  • 00:27:10 - nick won the tournament

  • 00:30:15 - aiden meets a guy and his friend on facetime

  • 00:34:20 - name 100 women challenge

  • 00:41:35 - we need sydney sweeney

  • 00:43:40 - womens college basketball

  • 00:47:00 - josh is an impossible person to hate

  • 00:52:50 - making a documentary about cody schwab

  • 01:03:30 - top 10 smashers according to ludwig


Wumbo II

It’s like he wanted some Oreos and milk before bed and forgot to wipe his mouth off after drinking the milk


was funny opening the tl and seeing nick won that cod tourney cause it's like damn I bought one of their belts that's kinda cool ig


nick is based for the chicken cajun pasta thing I make that at least once or twice a week


800 dollars? Crazy big a still paying to see his friends naked


miss slimes beard


Nick looks like Kirkland Scump


nick, brother, consider a soul patch. no this is not a ginger comment. much love


You guys should make an app like TMG, would love a lil yard app


this is leffen erasure


Calling dibs on BernieOffASybian/BernieOnASybian


Love aimen man


saying lil majin doesnt have sauce is crazy his on-stage presence is electric and he's super charismatic on his streams. very positive too

Sean Quinlan

Trash talking in sports is fine but when fans are just racist and misogynistic it’s obviously too far


im so mad i didnt look for aiden at the major

Andres Z

If you're curious, Im the one who replied to Nick's story saying he used to look like a hot version of Sueco, but now just looks like Sueco

Ryan Megaffin

The younger gen is always body doubling over Facetime, my 19 year old SIL facetimes my wife just to brush her teeth so she "has someone"


I just realized Nick looks just like Mr. Fruit from YouTube. Literally Google "Mr. Fruit Youtube"


i think (in america at least) ppl want to put more confident ppl “in their place” and with Angel being black and a woman it’s just amplified

Owen Thornton

a podcaster growing a mustache is basically like opening a third eye 👁️ wake up sleople

Jimmy O'Brien

JxmyHighroller is the goat of basketball youtube

Mason Jurgens

Aiden was speaking such facts when he was talking about smash and tennis


When Dax Shepard was mentioned my brain replaced him with Dax flame


cant believe fuslie got snubbed for the primo 😪


“Did you widen the gap?” “Yep”

Deepto Chatterjee

I don't really understand why the boys find it so funny to (implicitly) call people autistic. Idk, I'm autistic, maybe I just don't get it. Good episode anyway


Right man


Did the dungeons and dragons show ever come out that they were working on?


Yeah honestly it doesn't feel good, really seems like they're treating us as a punchline to a joke :/

Deepto Chatterjee

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I was thinking of posting about it on the subreddit but figured I'd be torn to shreds

Caleb Fussell

I mean it's definitely not that serious. I get what you're saying but it is cherry picking to say that this one joke about a particular thing is bad but the jokes about things you aren't as invested in is fine. I understand the sentiment but it is a comedy podcast and not all the jokes are gonna hit for you and some of the subjects will be things you don't agree with. Like white women having sex with dogs isn't funny to some people but that's funny to other people. Maybe that's not the best example but it was all i could think of off the dome. Also want to clarify I'm autistic as well and I personally thought it was funny however i realise that i also don't speak for all autistic people

Deepto Chatterjee

There are lots of things I could say cause I think a lot fo what you said I both don't like and I think is inaccurate. But I'll just address your example, because yeah I think it's a particularly bad example -- these two jokes are not comparable at all. So, I'll give a better example of something that would be comparable. A joke that boils down to "haha Ludwig autistic" or the other ones that've been in the past 3-4 primos is in my mind roughly equivalent to a genuine "women be shopping" joke. That's the kind of joke that these guys very clearly make fun of, cause those jokes, are basic, not subversive, unfunny, and stupid. A joke that just calls someone autistic and somehow that's supposed to be funny is the same. It's basic, not subversive, unfunny, and stupid. It's like the lowest of efforts put into a joke. It *would* be funny if there were an understood ironic subtext, which these guys usually do have, but at this point when it's 3-4 episodes in a row of just the same joke, it becomes much harder for me to believe that they (and let's be honest it's mostly Nick and Slime) are really making these jokes ironically, and it feels more likely that they just genuinely think this shit is funny which is crazy to me. Idk how you think it's funny (if you do), it just makes me feel ostracized. There's a whole lot more I could say about how our community tends to downplay jokes and behavior that denigrates and ostracized us (often to gain social acceptance of neurotypicals), but this comment is long enough as it is.

Joseph Warren

Kinda sad that Ludwig didn't like Anyone but you. I thought it was good, but to each their own


trying to eat while watching the pod and when nick licked his lips i gagged


went the whole episode thinking you were talking about Cody Ko

Cade Rowlingson

It's more like when they call Aiden a Psycho for liking to talk to people in ubers, it's a stretch that they correlated with a certain neurodivergence as a joke because they are taking a far fetched leap in logic

Deepto Chatterjee

I just don't think it works the same way. There is a difference in how the casual use of "psycho" and "autistic" are commonly understood. Especially when there is much active discrimination against and humiliation of autistic people, coupled with how greatly autism is misunderstood by neurotypicals. It's not as benign, or at least it doesn't feel as benign, as you make it out to be


damn you forgot aklo and amsa

Ricardo Martinez

We definitely watch south park. I went into my youtube movies recently to see all the movies i had bought through google, and i noticed that apparently when I was 18 I bought just a single episode of south park to own forever. It was the Scientology one where John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and R Kelly get trapped in the closet

Grant Buckley

i know a guy who only named 50 women in 30 minutes