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I am still making posts like this every couple months. 

The reason for this post is the same: Tiers will change in 2 years, or maybe even right when I will start doing OC world next year... and I don't know how yet. Since NSFW variants aren't going to be constant and guaranteed I might just make NSFW variants public from the start, like SFW variants. 

So I will need to decide how to reward people for supporting me. I want you to give me ideas here. Because something important or interesting can be suggested... I won't be telling which ideas I liked, so people don't lean on them when make new suggestions...

Previous "Reward Ideas" posts, for references on what was suggested before (In order of how many was suggested):






Poll to decide on a scene/theme?


I agree with the three random raffle winners and a poll with what they want to decide a winner.

Simone Spinozzi

Checking back i believe i gave you the most decent ideas i had. Having recently played BG3 i have one more suggestion, but given you prefer your ladies to be human or human-like and how you want to de-focus from the NSFW aspect I do not know how it could apply. What BG3 made me realize when playing it was how many of the races were plainly "humans with different colored skins and slightly strange facial features, horns optional". So you do not get to try anything strange aside from very vanilla stuff. They did not even think about using magic for some sex stuff despite some characters literally being infused with magic or having sex with gods or psychic beings. Also: they slatered the "human" template on everything so my dragonborn kisses like a human being which just looks extra weird with some weirdness on the side, but also... not fantasy and very cringe. And the least is talked about romance the better. You always home run on first date, and if you try to take it slow everybody is immediately put off and you do not get to "try again" and do other stuff. (To be frank also the fact that everybody is horny for me and only me is also extremely off-putting as i do not get why their love life is confined to the main character alone. Aside from Gale. But it makes them feel beyond fake, as far as people go.) So... whatever you do, go full on fantasy, if you add the sex/romance add courtship rituals that work for that race or how some things like having a snout change basic stuff like kissing (seriously that dragonborn was cringe) add uses for extra limbs or racial powers go non-human, use wings, use liquid forms do some ...you know... fantasy. Even stuff like vanilla sex can become "interesting" if you factor in the fact you are not having interacting with a human being https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/751370783565021204/1148704743020048505/SPOILER_Walnusstinte_-_Merah_The_Slime_Girl_Animation_-_Walnusstinte-790581-Merah_Slime_Girl_Animation.gif and for all i know different races might have different kinks like robots might have a fetish for maintenance https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/751370783565021204/1148704742634176573/SPOILER_41217278_p0.png So... yeah. Whatever you do... don't take stuff like mass effect or BG3 as examples and let your imagination roam free

Curious Cat

Ssooo... Here's an idea for the reward: Every month (or two) two high-tier supporters are randomly (sometimes deliberately) chosen to be on "a duty". These personas on duty may tell you a character or some interesting ideas they want to be portrayed. They describe this character and describe the setting it comes from, that character's place in it, other details they consider to be necessary to you. You discuss whether it suits the rules of Patreon, possible copyrights it may trigger, whether it suits your style, etc. When discussion is done, a person on duty writes an introduction to the character they chose or describe the idea they wanted to be portrayed for the image you are about to draw. If the chosen person for any reason can not be on duty that month, the new one is chosen and the former is put back to the poll to participate next time. Once a person is on duty, they are deleted from the common poll for some period to eliminate the chance of being chosen repeatedly.


since the variants have decreased a bit, i've been a little let down but also understand artist tastes change if I'm being honest. i think something that could be fresh and fun would be a seasonal commission (every 3 months) give a away to reward patrons. Maybe something with a number of set rules: 1) maybe an A3 or A4 size, 2) colored, 3) 1 character with 1 variant. If you wanna excite the OG fans, maybe give them an extra vote per year they have been funding for 😉

Pierre Johnson

high tier YCH raffle You sketch a pose that you want to draw and the people in the tier can submit characters they would want to see in that pose SFW,NSFW and attire are your choice. Either one winner or a couple of winners that are then put into a poll. you can even recycle some of the poses if you notice a high amount of interest in them and enjoyed drawing them or want to practice.