Commissios open for February (Patreon)
Opening commission for February for all interested. Check the discord commission-rules section for more info
Donation amount per one character: Full color - 100 USD
Small amounts of text or search bubbles, panel styling, supporting charters and objects in sex scenes don't add to the amount of your donation, unless there's more than one.
Illustration can be done anonymously. Nobody, except for us, will see it. Anonymous requests are double the regular donation
Phat, make an illustration of [character name] from [series/game/OC] [quick summary of you idea].
I want to see:
1)[Scene description]
2)[Character outfit]
3) Don't forget [imortant detail/focus of your art]
4) My donation will be [USD amount]
Don't be afraid to mess up the form. Simply fill the gaps how you see fit