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Hello everyone, I hope you are all fine.

This update is a little late, it was supposed to come out Sunday but I had to stay in France an extra day because of poor time management on my end.

I came back yesterday to a not so nice surprise.
My computer was turned off, which it wasn't supposed to be.
A little talk with my roommate let me know that there was a power cut the very next day I left. So I checked my folder and only 80 frames were rendered out of the 350 planned, so yeah, nice surprise!
Anyway, that happens I guess, I just lost almost 3 days basically.

The positive aspect to this is that it was the only bad thing that really happened.
My trip to France ended up being good and I could do all the things I had to.
It's with a fresh mind that I came back to Ireland yesterday.

Today was also a day off, so I ended up in front of the computer all day long.
It was productive, though I had to stop for a couple of hours to prepare a few things for my professional reorientation.
I told my boss that I was going to work with them up until the 28th of February. So happy me, but also stressed out as I always imagine the worst scenarios. I now need to find a 9-5 job and start on the 1st of March. Good news is, I have a few leads already thanks to some friends I made since I moved here.

But enough about this, let's talk about The Entrepreneur.
Apart from that short break, today was very productive.
Didn't write much, just a few corrections here and there, as I'm now focusing on the statics and creating them as I progress reading the script.
On a full day off, I managed to create 92 of them, which is honestly good.
If I could do that everyday for another month, TE would be finished, animations, statics, post work, etc lol.
We're getting close to the final release and I start to feel the excitement as the game looks more and more ready to be released.

The issue that I totally put aside is the music selection.
I stopped working with ArtList since what happened to Drifty and now I'm in need of finding another music provider, as my goal will be to release the game on Steam once it's completed and out. I still need to define the price of this game, so don't worry, tiers above the price I will sell it at will have it before it's released on Steam.
But yeah, in order to do so I need to find a new music provider.
Another solution, which is really expensive, would be to buy the rights of every song, but since we're already at 130 songs and looking at maybe 200 by the end, it's definitely something my wallet won't be able to cover.
In the end, I think I'll keep that issue in the "To deal with later" folder of my brain.

I have also something that happened to me while making some statics today. I had a lot of fun working. I know it sounds stupid, but when I first started working on The Entrepreneur, every day I spent sat in front of the computer for 10-12 hours during the first 9 months of development was exciting, enjoyable despite the frustration of failing and learning. I had lost that for a while lately, and don't get me wrong, I still love what I'm doing, but sometimes the tiredness, frustration, and difficulty of working on something like this outweigh the pleasure of creation. And it's been even more present since I moved to Ireland working two jobs. So every day I get this amount of pleasure working, is another motivation telling me I'm on the right tracks.

I will post a poll regarding the Model of February this week, and since I didn't create one for January as I was burnt out because of Christmas and all the work I had, I'll make it extra naughty, so be wise with your vote!

Anyway, I talked or rather wrote plenty, so let's see some numbers:
Animations: 52
Statics: 793
Dialogue: 3800 lines

It's getting better.
It will be good once I reach the 1000 milestone.
But I told you the development was going to be faster, and I think I was right.

In the meantime, I wish you all a great week.


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