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So, I hope everyone had a good week. Me, I need to say that it was better than the previous one.

I kept working with the new method I explained last time and managed to secure some solid work.
It's so much comfort to know that I'm doing one of the hardest part of my work and keeping easier stuff for later.
Plus, creating a few "scene_base" a day allows me to change environments, characters, outfits, scene mood etc more often, and therefore I feel less bored and more enthusiastic.
I would even dare to say, a little more creative.

As for my rendering machine, it's been running late on a few statics because of something I had mentioned a few weeks ago.
Scenes were too heavy for my config to render. It resulted in both numerous crashes or extremely slow rendering time.
Well, I've also found a way to correct that.
It might not work every time, but I used it for the render you see above, and let me tell you how much of an improvement it made.

In this render you have 3 characters, multiple objects, lots of lights, especially for the effect of the sunlight, and a big detailed building in the background.
Before applying a new solution that Wibble mentioned to me a month ago (Yes I know, I should listen to him more often) and changing some render parameters, I went from a 35 minutes render before I judged it good enough, to a 13 minutes render!
So almost 3 times faster.
It also means that scenes where I would get a crash because of the amount of details will most likely not crash and render normally.
This is probably the highlight of this week, and I couldn't be happier.

So yeah, back at it once again, but more confident now that lots of my troubles have been solved.

Now, what's next? Well, I intend to finish all "scene_base" of the last episode of The Entrepreneur.
I feel like once that's behind me, it will truly help me to see more clearly as to what's left to do, and how long it should take.
Moreover, it will mean putting one hard part behind me, and that will be a big win, which I do need.

Lately, working on The Entrepreneur has been harder than it ever has during the last 18 months.

I blame my work as a bartender, and my manager which I very much dislike.
Yes, this update will most likely become a diary now, sorry for that lol.
My manager is someone that makes everything you do just harder, less enjoyable.

Most of you will probably agree, working while being angry and fed up, not only makes the time pass slower, but takes a toll on you.
Therefore, every time I went home ready to work on The Entrepreneur I ended up feeling drained and would most likely rest.

And the day before yesterday, yet again, it happened.
But somehow, there was a confrontation which made me realized what really mattered, and it's my game, and moreover you, you who have decided to support me.

In my mind, this work as a bartender was always just a temporary solution up until I could find a way to work 100% of my time on The Entrepreneur and the games to follow, just like I did in France.

And after that realization, the motivation flooded in me. The consistency I had when I was living in France came back. I kept coming home from work, feeling tired, but  I would consume energy drinks, and work like a maniac. And guess what? That felt good.

I have two days off in my week, and that's more than enough to get some sleep, rest, and attack once again the next days.

So, to you, I say thank you, because thanks to you I'm back to workaholic mode like before, and I feel better. Less stress, more hunger for work, and overall, more satisfaction with what I produce.

I can't wait to share more with you during the upcoming weeks.
In the meantime, I might have another hour of energy left in the tank, so let's put it to good use.

I wish you all a good Sunday, and I'll talk to you soon.






I feel you about your bartender work. Imagine the same situation and being like 4 years away from retirement and you can see why I enjoy so much having those moments of fun. And that is where you come in. Your game and those moments out of rl you provide make it way more acceptable . So thank you


That's a very kind comment, I'm glad to know my game gives you pleasure :)