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After the Neighbour's last "enlargement" he's been getting lines of local women outside his apartment, waiting for their free trial.


What a way to start NTRvember 💦

This is a lil doodle I made during a drawpile session with a friend. Basically the concept was "The bully neighbour gets a penir enlargement, yet not a vasectomy, wich ends up in multiple locals (your gf included) making lines to try his new cock"

But you know I love brainstorming. do you got another idea for thsi scenario? Would you like to see this turned into a full picture? Please lemme know in the comments!




Love this concept, especially that adorable girl with big eyes on the left. Hope she gets the massive dicking she craves~ ❤️


Input for the full picture if you make one: Having the girls waiting in line have different expressions (like surprise or arousal--or both) might enhance this picture. As it is, it's kind of jarring that at least the next girl in line has no real reaction to the Cum Balloon that just walked out the door.


And so it begins with NTR-vember. And as for a follow up, maybe because it’s November, why not invite them all to a rather unique thanksgiving party? The turkey isn’t the only thing getting stuffed 😏


We getting ntr robots? Or that android from star wars?


Maybe its a Miss-Tastetown competition with their own means of challenges >:)


Having a special NTRvember cartoon episode where Daniel pulls in all Wifes, gfs and brides into the TV to be part of the show live >:3


OOOFF, A truly perfect way to start off the month right~. Mmm, how about all these girls + girlfriends work under the same boss? Said boss not only having sex with them, but streaming the fun he has together with these girls to an audience + their cuck bfs~?


How bout a girls only book reading club but instead of books it’s large penises


A reverse ntr situation where a guy is clothes shopping with his girlfriend and notices a breed queen and while his girlfriend is looking takes the breed queen behind a changing Curtain and you see the outline of them fucking


Your comments/Ideas give me life, thank you guys 😳


Thanks! I think reverse ntr doesn't get it utilized as often as ntr


I think this has potential, I’d love to see another panel of what’s going on on the other side of that window 😳😳