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So now having suffered through the agonizingly redundant entirety of Marvel's Civil War, my research for Captain America is almost done, meaning it's time to start looking forward to episode 5, which will come out in May. I've narrowed it down to some possible themes: Ancient religious figures! (Moses, Loki, Cupid) Public domain book characters! (Ichabod Crane, Long John Silver, Tinkerbell) Oh boy I get to watch Once Upon a Time again! (Cinderella, Snow White, Mulan) Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts! (Death, Satan, God) Every fifth video will be MY choice, so episode 6 (the episode after the one you're voting on) will be an executive decision. LIVE IN FEAR. (i.e. yeah it will probably be a transformer) Which of the aforementioned themes appeals to you? Leave your choice in the comments!



I'll spare you Once Upon a Time . Let's go with public domain book characters (I wanna see you trash Tinkerbell).


I vote for "Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts!" No matter which one of those three won, I would be incredibly happy with the result :D


Ancient religious figures, I'm kinda interested in whatever weird shit Cupid was up to.


I vote for either Public Domain or Once Upon A time again! I feel like Hades was an ancient religious figure as well as a personification of death so maybe we should wait a little longer


Just because I would love to hear your thoughts on the new Tinkerbell franchise, I vote for public domain!


Love me some Ahura Mazda but probably no one else would,


this is tough, but my vote is for the Disney ladies. Once Upon a Time it is


Ancient Religious Figures. I'd like to know more about Moses...meaning if he does get the vote, you'll have to watch the trainwreck that Exodus Gods and Kings.

Kamiki Kitsune

I vote for Ancient religious figures! :D


Mulan or Loki could be interesting, but I think Death would be far more fun so that's were my vote is going. We so often think of Death as an evil character when he get's personified, but my favorite is Discworld's Death which I think does the idea better then most. I also liked the way death as an idea and character interaction was handled in Dead Like Me, but I'm not sure is that would fit in as neatly as the "character" of death is more just hinted to as the guy in charge and never seen. Anyway, I would definitely enjoy seeing you tackle the unfathomable concept of Death. :D


I'm all for abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts.

Jacob Tucker

I say Public Domain Book characters.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts with Ancient religious figures as my second choice.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts. I'd especially like you to really dig into the cute-ification of Cthulu.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts seems the most interesting


Ancient religious figures could be really interesting. Just from a 30 second mention in one class I had, depictions of King David over the years really vary in terms of why they're being made at all. However, talking about Moses, Loki, or Cupid would probably be more interesting, since those characters have more visual adaptations that people know about (plus you could reuse some of your Captain America research to talk about the integration of Loki into the Marvel movie canon.)


As much as it'd be fun to see abstract etc, those seems like a lot of work to do. The ancient religious figures are more reasonable to me, more interesting than the other choices but quite as absurdly difficult to research.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts! (Death, Satan, God) Is what boyfriends and I vote for at the moment. (we're kind of rooting for death)


I want to vote for Death because I am a Terry Pratchett fan to the very core of my being, but... That would be hard to cram into a short video, and imagine if people picked God instead. Huh.. I also really want to pick Mulan (there are some really interesting stories aside from the Disney one, I liked Maxine Hong's version in The Warrior Woman: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts) but I don't want you to have to watch Once Upon a Time again. I guess I'll take public domain characters for 500. I vote for Tinkerbell! Ah hahaha.


I like the abstract personifications idea...you'd have a lot of material with "death" alone


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts please.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts. If you choose Death you get to watch Seventh Seal and Terry Pratchett adaptations in one sitting!


Ancient religious figures!


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts please :)


I'm voting for the Cinderella, Snow White, and Mulan grouping, only because oh goodness I'd love to get even a slim chance for Mulan to win (I LOVE the original Ballad of Mulan and next to Joan of Arc she is like THE gender bender. And either way with that grouping it would be interesting to explore how the disney version of said 'princess' really cements the image of the character for the general public vs earlier incarnations.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts, please.


Public domain characters - Long John Silver would be really interesting with the characters role in how we imagine pirates today, and I second the guy above me who said to Tim Curry all the things! My second would be personifications of unfathomable concepts, since any of those would male for an entertaining analysis.


Unfathomable concepts! Way more interesting :D

Nicole Barovic

I would love to see your take on ancient religious figures.


I'll go with abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts, hoping that - in case Death will be chosen - my favorite version of it (the Sandman one) will be featured.


Between Satan and Tinkerbell, whichever of the two you'd want to cover more. If you're gonna do a Transformer eventually I hope it's Megatron be "Decepticons forever."

Liz Mallia

Would be nice to have a female character, and I do like the idea of ancient religious figure or public domain book characters.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts sounds most interesting to me, with a definite lean towards Death.


Sorry to send you back into Once Upon a Time again but I'd love to hear more about Mulan! (Especially with that remake being announced)


Public domain book characters are so funnnn


i want to pick Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts but before i do i want to understand somthing: what are the criteria for those "characters"? i mean are we only talking about Morgen Friedman and the such as god or god as the being that moves the story even though we dont see him like in signs and lest behind? Death is preaty obvious what you mean and so he will probably be picket. and Satan are we talking about Mephistopheles? or Lucifer? or Azazel? or just when someone is an obvious "devil"? does Hades count?


Abstract personifications. Love to see Death.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts! (Death, Satan, God) Primarily because if Death gets chosen, then you should definitely read Neil Gaiman's Sandman (if you haven't already) for his personification of her :3


Abstract personifications. Although I read "satan" as "Santa" which could also make an interesting video :)


Public domain book characters - mainly because Long John Silver is in there and that likely means Muppet Treasure Island.


Ooooh, that is a tough choice. I'm torn between 'Abstract Personification' and 'Religious Figure' because any of the choices from those categories could be a fascinating study on culture's wrestling with most primal fears about life and death and the afterlife. Actually, I think a study on Death would be my first choice. I'm assuming that Terry Pratchett's and Neil Gaiman's creations will be included? Pretty please?


I'd say the I get to watch once upon s time agian one lol


I'd like to see abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts discussed. There are so many different personifications utilized in pop culture and a lot have been very interesting takes on the ideas.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts! :)


I'd most prefer the abstract personifications, with ancient religious figures coming in a somewhat close second. Looking forward to seeing the final choice!

Joe G

I want to vote Abstract Concept: Death in solidarity with the Terry Pratchett fans, but not if it would compel you to read three-dozen-plus Discworld novels in a month.


Ancient religious figures!


Abstract figures *cough cough*TerryPratchett'sDeath*cough cough*


I'd hate to put you through even more MCU, since Loki would definitely win that vote. I'm equally interested in public domain book figures (which would mean you MIGHT have to watch OUAT again also, if you get Tinkerbell) and fairytale figures, especially because I really like seeing stuff about Disney's interpretation, so those two are my choices.


Definitely voting for the fairytale characters. …Though the abstract personification would mean you'd have to talk about Discworld!Death, that's tempting too.


I'd have to go with the ancient religious figures. Although its pretty much guaranteed to be Loki, id love to see a Moses episode.


Religious figures, though if Moses is chosen I can't help but fear the backlash you might get.


Jesus might be fun, especially to see how his looks and character have changed over time and in different places. He's usually black in Africa, for example.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts would be my first choice.


Hmmm... I vote for abstract personifications. :)


Public domain book characters, because a run-down of various Long John Silvers is what the world needs. And it's an excuse to watch Muppet Treasure Island! ...Not that you really NEED an excuse.


Public domain book characters... there must be a LOT of those.


"Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts!" It's fun to say AND should be fun to hear about! BTW, I highly recommend Ed Brubaker's volume of Captain America (vol 5), which takes place at the same time as Civil War but is infinitely superior and includes a more interesting version of Winter Soldier (it's the source material for the movie). It's probably the best volume of Captain America (it's shorter than volume 1 and has a narrower focus.) <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_America_%28vol._5%29" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_America_%28vol._5%29</a>

Ciaran Chatwin

Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts! Sounds like loads of fun.


Public domain book characters.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts


I think you should totally should go with Moses! :)


Public domain book characters but for the love of god, please take Tinkerbell off the list.


Abstract personifications sounds fascinating. Also sounds difficult (sorry!)


I'm curious to hear about Ichabod Crane, mainly because I don't think he is very prevalent. Could be interesting.


I think public domain book characters would be really interesting, mainly because I love all your choices. Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts is also really cool; Death would be an amazing figure to cover. But I think Satan and God are kind of over done, especially as you've already done a lot on Satan before (with Hades and in some of your NC stuff)


I would love to hear about some anthropomorphic personifications. Definitely the last one. Death would be amazing.


Abstract Personifications of Unfathomable Concepts!


I'm putting a vote in for public domain book characters (also I hope the 5th one is a Transformer one &gt; w


I think an episode about Death would be REALLY COOL, especially if you talked about how Death is almost always implied to be male. You'd think Death would be genderless, given how it affects all people, but I guess that goes with our weird need to gender everything. That kind of makes me want to go look up how cultures that acknowledge more than two genders personify Death... Put in my vote for abstract personifications!


Ooh, you know, I hadn't thought about it, but Death IS always male. Even when Death is sort of ambiguous or genderless, there's definitely male coding attached.


Fairy tale characters cause I like Once upon a time and wanna see you talk abou its more. And if you do I would suggest Snow White because Cinderella barely appears and Mulan is just kind of a dull badass. Snow has the most depth, considering she's one of the mains. I'd like to see what you think of here.

Xanthippe Pink

SO MANY GOOD CHOICES, AUGH! xD Part of me wants the Fairytale characters, just to see you facepalm over the wonderful absurdity that is "Once Upon a Time". Mwahaha! But my vote goes to Public Domain Book Characters, because I think any of those would be super interesting! :D


Fairytale characters. Tough choice, since both Public Doman characters and Abstract personifications are also really interesting, but I'm most interested in the fairy tales.


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts! (Death, Satan, God) Bc even in the bible God goes through changes.


Abstract personifications sounds really interesting... But then Lindsay hating every second of OUAT could be fantastic. Screw it. Abstract personifications gets my vote.


Ancient religious figures: Moses, Loki, Cupid!


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts! (Death, Satan, God)


Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts, please


I'm going with 'Ancient religious figures' this time, but wouldn't vote for Loki in case it was selected.


I vote for Abstract personifications of unfathomable concepts.