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he main focus will be on 4 character! Today im sneak peeking you the first one, Cecil.

The image is cropped, to not ruin the surprise!

So... Yes, The VN will be NSFW, Yes it will be a Dating Sim, BUT. there is a But.

I do not like things entirely made for NSFW with no purpose. The VN has thought behind it, its not just about tryinda get in the character's pants.

Yes, you'll get to do that, but i wanna create a deeper bond with the character, and test your reading/understanding skills, as well as your emphaty. 

So... it wont be all roses and smiles. 

The VN will be called: "Dream Job"




sounds awesome! can't wait to see what you have planned :D


Oh, that sounds really exciting! I'm all behind the idea of a VN with deeper plot and getting to know the characters better instead of just mindlessly trying to get to fuck with them! Cecil looks really nice! Is he an otter of some sort?


Yes, he is a river Otter! I'll show the other characters as i finish making them!