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Hey Patrons!  Rewards will be dropping shortly, and the Pens & Feathers video June for Don't Stop tier members is in the works.  Here is the preview, and also, for those newcomers who are a bit confused on how rewards work...

So, for any subscribers to tiers that are Disciplined, and higher, you will notice that lower tiers will be locked out for you.  The reason is because those rewards will be included in the pdf that you download.  I combine them together so it keeps them all together in one file.  Downloading them from lower tiers would just be redundant since you have them all combined in the pdf available to you on your tier.

For Don't Stop tier subscribers, you have access to the Yes,Master tier and can download that pdf.  I can't include the animations and video in the pdf (since the file doesn't suppor that), so that is why I drop them throughout the month.

Hope this clears up any confusion.  Let me know if you have any questions.



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