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As we are nearing alpha on our first game we're making some decisions about the next title. Would you guys be more interested in a white knuckle side scroller or something more methodical?


GunForce 2 MAME Arcade No Deaths

No tools, cheats, or save states were used.





I'm fine with methodical, as long as it's not turn based.


I'm still not clear what the 1st game is. Is it the Syndicate style isometric one?


But I'm definitely more into "something more methodical" since I have my side scroller needs already covered more than I want with Door Kickers Action Squad :D


Awesome! Thanks!

Jon Chang

What do you guys think about more narrative content? For those who were in the board game beta, the video games plays exactly the same, IE there's no story. For the purposes of distribution we never even mention a specific country. We have been mapping out different approaches to building our next game and we are limited by the manpower we can throw at the title so we have to pick a primary feature for innovation.


I'm a big sucker for immersion (which is why I've been loving all the extra "in-universe" gear and SOP info we've been getting on here lately!), and I think having more narrative focus absolutely adds to that immersion. I'd love it.


If methodical includes strategic, then yes, I would prefer something more methodical than an arcade-style scroller. Hope the feedback helps.

Peterson Nieva

It would be interesting to have something white knuckle constant shooting also with methodical levels. Like Contra 3 but not as insane then instead of those levels that change the camera angle like overhead or from behind (depending on the Contra title) it's a level where you have to play more methodical and can't constantly be shooting like in other levels. Like for example a stealth extraction mission level where you have to shoot 3 targets with a few rounds and then the next level is a full blown fire fight level Contra style (maybe instead of insane jumps you just take cover behind certain areas of the level with a crouch/taking cover animation for more immersion).