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This is an update for Dragon Slayer! Featuring art by DarkGem and Voicing by KumaAfterDark & NoBullVA ! Help Nyx figure out what happened to his tribe in this conclusion to Dragon Slayer's first chapter!

I thought I could knock it out in a day, so I did... I added sound to the King Scene and Slime scene/edited some sound in the Slimecubator scene, and made the Replay more obvious (You can replay scenes in the album without rerunning the game btw!). It's the same Download Link, but if you want juicy noises and a slightly more visually appealing replay gallery, then it's been updated!

What's New (0.2.6):
Sound in Good End (King)
Sound in Bad End (Slime)
Sound Edit in Bad End (Slime)
Replay Gallery has gotten a slight facelift to make the replay more obvious.

What's New:
~15000 Words
Bad End "Orc" featuring art by DarkGem
Bad End "Orc Fist" featuring art by Darkgem
Bad End "Orc Lord"
Extra CG with Nyx at the conclusion
New Sound Effects/Foley in New Dragon Slayer Scenes
General QoL Changes
Notification for unlocks in Gallery
Tutorial for accessing EXTRA menu
Bug Fixes with Dragon Slayer "Combat"
EDIT: Added Red Coloring to the Magic Button! Click it to lose!

Download Links:



Feedback Form:

Thank you all for your support and patience! Also feedback as always is incredibly useful! I really enjoyed the guest artist for Dragon Slayer, and I have a question on there asking if there are any artists, in particular, you would like to see! So please go fill it out if you get the chance!

Also, side note: I messed up and have been saying 0.3.0 for the update this entire time when 0.x.0 updates are for main story content. So this is update 0.2.5, not 0.3.0! Honestly, I'm still figuring out the version number thing! Sorry for any confusion!




oh Dang any chance can you look into a auto loose option for fights in the future? In all honesty its sometimes hard to loose to see the Bad End version of the game.


I should honestly color it red, but the Magic option is an auto lose lolol. It does no damage and you'll hit yourself. Also to lose to grapples just spam strike at the beginning of any fight. Edit: I did it, I colored it red, and am updating the file so everyone knows for sure ha.


Goood lawd I'm gonna have to look into this


Oh hell yeah more lewd adventures here I cu- I mean come




How'd you managed to get DarkGem colllab? And is that a pinch of deep lore regarding Dragon Slayer's Mark?


OUGHGHH this update for the side story was great, I'm very quickly falling in love with both the main VN and Dragon Slayer!


DarkGem's a cool guy that's how :B! Also, timing, of course. Hopefully, people suggest some artists they would like to see do more guest work, and tbh, if he is willing, I don't mind getting more DG stuff for it! He did an amazing job. Also, yee that's a bit of lore.


Yay! I'm glad! I like Dragon Slayer because it's a way faster story with stuff constantly happening. Helward is slower, and I'm building up to things rather than exploding right away, so I'm hoping stuff like Dragon Slayer/Extra Content piques people's interest if they want lewds and action right away.

Dean West

I have an issue with the main menu, where the lower half of the selection is displaced to the right, and one of the cgs too. I don't know how to fix this, and its preventing me from playing the dragon slayer part too, its really upsetting. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times now TTwTT


What are you playing on? Did this happen before? EDIT: Just in case anyone else reads this and has a similar problem, it seems the issue is with the graphic driver! You can try messing with rendering settings using [Shift + G]

DJ Kyu

Finally got around to playing both Helward and Dragon Slayer and I gotta say this VN project has quickly escalated up to be one of my favorites, keep up the good work!


Oh this is awesome. But I played on my android, is it okay to use this link or do I have to wait a bit more?


Both those links have Android builds (.apk)! Just download it and play it (you might have to allow unverified apps to install.)


I'm so sorry I just realized that ToT. You can see that I have no reading ability whatsoever


This is amazing! will there are more dragon slayer content?


If this helps you, you could use the x.x.x numerals as for chapter release. Ex: the zero in 0.2.6 (actual version) refers to the chapter you’re working currently on (first one, tutorial or however you wanna call it). The 2 could refer to any block of info you’re working. Ex: 1 covers from initial phase until meeting with Whitman, 2 goes from getting to the city and then after having your butt grabbed. Something like that. And the 6 can be used for patches. Some bug fixes, maybe some writing mistakes. And that number can go up to 99 if needed. :) That note aside, I finished your game now and let me tell you I’m in love of how you interact with the names of the characters xD for example, when you meet the “housekeeping” and suddenly the name changes to “landlord”. Honestly this is the first VN that I see implements that in such a creative way. I’m really looking forward for the next updates. :)


Ye. Right now I'm doing basically that. X.Y.Z X - Chapter updates (end of certain arcs in helward so big updates) Y - Helward updates (updates to helward itself that introduce more story etc) Z - side content/fixed (Dragonslayer, extra content, fixing some bug etc) Also haha thank you! I have fun messing around with all the various stuff you can do with a VN/game for narrative purposes or just to goof about. I hope to do lots more in future updates!


I didn't find dragen Slayer


You open Helward, Go to extras, click the gameboy looking thing for Dragon Slayer.


How can I unlock the art of "orc" bad ending?I played it several times but couldn't find a way TWT


How can I access the Extras menu? I downloaded the game and have been struggling to access the extras menu


How does one get the ork fisting bad ending?.. qwq