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Hey y'all! I've been working on Helward, alongside some other things (mainly image sets).

I wanted to see where everyone leaned as far as content interest, especially after releasing the Time Off mini-VN. You can multi-vote; whichever is the winner I'm going to try towards releasing alongside the Helward update this month.

Choices are:

Mini VN - Basically the same as what I did with Time Off. Just a quickie Visual Novel with art and sound.

Image Set - Set of images (image sequence). (Basically what to expect with the Mini VN just I would use the extra given time to focus on Helward)

Mini Comic - Like the Blaidd or Wolf one.

Animation - I would just continue working on the Puss x Wolf one "Know My Name" I had been working on before. Even if this ones not picked I've been tossing my time at it when I get the chance, just not that much to show! I probably won't finish it within the month, but I should make fair progress.

Anyways, thank you for the support, this poll will end tomorrow!



Haha. It's a matter of what people can engage with. Someone might be fine with VNs but at the end of the day a comic is so much more accessible, so I get them. Either way I do plan to do other mini visits inevitably so don't worry too much.


honestly been really enjoying the VNs you've been putting out. All of them have been a delight to read :D