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Some true crack ship! Based on a few requests from the suggestion box.


/* After some time in jail Melon was released on good behavior. The hybrid's criminal identity was put on full display; part of his probation prevented him from any attempts to hide his identity, and there were not many who were willing to associate with the infamous ex-con. But after a chance meeting on the city streets, he found himself reunited with the kindly retriever Jack. At first, it was rocky, but the two quickly hit it off pretty well; Jack was attracted to the mysterious and dangerous hybrid who reminded him of his other close friend. Despite all the warnings, Jack went on one date after another with the criminal, even getting quite intimate on several occasions, until, finally it was time to introduce him to his friends, who also happened to be ex-cons. It seems the sweet lab's fancies are more twisted than he lets on. We can only hope his new friends won't eat him alive.*/

If you're interested in submitting your ideas you can still do so here : https://forms.gle/otYUxy3YtJQk7Hno8

I probably won't close it down until the end of next month, so feel free to submit.




We need more of this couple! Or, more specifically, I NEED IT!!!!


return of my favorite cursed crack ship and holy boi was it glorious