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Helward is a Visual Novel about an odd stubby tanuki chasing love in a city of the same name. It takes place in a science fantasy world. Generally, the story will play around romance, but the story's core will revolve around mystery and the unknown.

Right now I'm around ~70% done with what I need for an initial release.
Basically, for the first update, I'm roughly around here on each asset-
90%- Art
70%- Writing
70%- Programming
50%- Music & Sound

Most of the work so far has been done by me with some assistance from friends so it's been a doozy. I plan to look into paying some people for assistance (Mainly music/sound and an editor for writing) but for the first update, It will mostly be a solo job! The first release will mainly just consist of an intro section and one extra story.

Updates for it past the first release will likely be monthly, with a public and an
early release Patreon version available.

The version for Patreon will have some extra features and content, mainly in the form of hidden stamps in the game. These stamps can be interacted with in the VN and will unlock extra stories and content that don't necessarily play into the canon of the plot itself or are necessary for understanding the story. I will release the CGs for these on Patreon in their full-res as well, as well as WIP of the writing alongside it. I also plan to have polls for Extra Content that will be available in the VN. (Also there will be passwords for seeing content without the stamps.)

The version available to the Public will mainly feature the main story, with some extra content available at a later release.

The VN will have a Windows and APK build. Possibly a web one (although no promises on that.)
Now a general update. I'm immensely sorry for the lack of update/silent month. In all honesty, It ended up being worse than the last for various reasons, and instead of working on other things, I doubled down on working on this. I honestly didn't update because I was expecting to have some level of release for you all by the end of the month, but time flies hard and life catches up. None of this is to excuse my absence obviously, and I would understand if you have your doubts, but I promise to have something pretty presentable next month.

I don't plan to toss other content to the curb for this project either. One of my biggest hurdles with this project has been figuring out how much work I can actually pull off reasonably within a month's time. I found myself making a lot of some assets and not so much of others, and this imbalance led to me being fairly overwhelmed by everything really. Since then, however, I have made myself a more coordinated plan for releases and in a way, I can manage to do the content you all came for and this larger project at the same time. There's still some trial and error to be done I feel, but I think the larger hurdles are done with, for now.

You all are amazing as always and thank you so much for your continuous support through this process.

If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comment section or even toss me a message.




Can't wait to see it! Looking good so far :)


I was concerned something had happened to you. Glad to see everything is fine.


As a smoll lad I am excited to see this!!! 👀💦


Sorry to make you/anybody else worry, and I dont plan to go MIA like that again (atleast not without some announcement).


As a tanuki you'll find he fits many niches. Although he definitely does have a proclivity for smol!

Ark Fur

Glad to hear you are doing ok! Also these characters are all so loveable just by looking at them, can't wait to read the story you've put together.


the same, I thought you were dead or worse... we should BONK you for being silent for so long!


Oof, thankfully that isn't the case. Not to be morbid, but If anything like that were to happen or I was incapable of posting I have friends that would update info here and there for me and hopefully disable things. Sorry to make you worry either way.


Thank you. Honestly designing them was one of the most enjoyable parts, and there's definitely more characters than just these that I can't wait to share.


but something tells me that you must not have slept much with all this work. the animation, the sounds etc. it takes time. I hope you at least get help!

Lucas (Littleatk)

Glad that you are ok we were getting worried




I'm willing to offer my services as an editor if you haven't yet found one!


If you need an editor, I'd be very interested in the work! Are you going to have an application process?


Just send me a DM on here or Twitter will work! Thank you for the interest.


Dangpa Bomb






Would love to hear your taste in music.


I know it sounds like a cop out but I genuinely like just about anything! Though I guess jazz is probably what hits my ear the best. You'll see what I have in it today however!