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Textless in Attachments!
After poring over the forbidden material he had found on his Saga's computer, in a horny haze, Shiron rushed to visit his other half. After all, what's a better way to practice than in the mirror? He probably should have told his Saga where he was going before he just left though...

A mini-comic I made based on a very silly idea I had, even Saga is Pillo! Really I wanted to test how quickly I could get through pages restricting my paneling and cleaning up my linework (since that was the main focus, the plot and bubbles are a mess!). Honestly I'm not very impressed with the results... Also, what do you all think of the color version VS the black & white one?




For a real quick comic i think it looks great! The lining and the coloring look good, and I sort of like this approach to your comics more, even if you may think its a bit sloppy to go by it so fast. I dont think it cuts down from the quality at all, its clear you still put the same amount of work you'd put in any longer series of pages with a bigger story.


Also both versions look great ^^


Thanks! I personally want to just see what's the fastest approach to making monthly comics like the Bonds of Twilight one and Blaidd comic. These are way quicker to make than the main ones (Restricted Materia and Axis) but I honestly don't know how people feel about the quality different.


Gotcha gotcha, well for me it looks awesome man, dont feel too bad I know lots of us are probably happy that you can do them so quickly with the same great quality, at least in my opinion. Overall im happy with whatever you can come up with anytime ^^


I think the B/W looks fine because everything is clearly drawn enough to be identificable thought the bw one feels like it has a lot less contrast since I imagine that's just a filter right? So a lot of the soft background colors from the color version that aren't noticeable in the color version because of the sharper more detailed colors on the background are kind of distractingly coloured on the bw one in my own opinion


Basically I just use gradient layers in order to give it color! It's what I did for the other two, although with them I did a bit more than slapping on different gradients based on the part of the body. It's a nice way to give it quick color, but I'm unsure how I feel about it when done on something cleaner like this!


Ah well if the bw version came out first then I think I understand it better. I do like the overall feel of it in here when used on the backgrounds on the final versions a lot since the difference in the sharpness of colouring/detail is a nice to show the background is far behind (and it's not really important I suppose). It makes it feel more far and distant that if you had just drawn them smaller, and makes the "room" they're in bigger if that makes sense xP


Omg I thought the shiron ranshiin vote lost! 😳 this just made my day


It did! But I wanted to do a test comic. I didn't really have an idea for the other two that lost, so I chose this one!


I’m gonna be honest rather than waiting for a longer period of time for a big comic to come out, these short 4-12 pages comic are really really lovely, but all that aside this is just personal opinion, I love the art styles a lot too they are unique in its own way❤️❤️


Ps: both coloring versions are really nice since the colored one it’s your own style of drawing and the black and white kinda gave me a manga vibe since I’ve seen a few manga of these two dragons


Hmm! I've thought about polling to see if people would be interested in me doing this for the Restricted Materia one since it takes a couple of days to finish a page, but honestly, I wouldn't want to change the method midway through.


HUFF! this is really good! also I think both versions look stunning, tho I like the colored version a liiiittle more, I think it gives a deeper, richer atmosphere, and your use of color is so on brand that it gives a little more personality, which I think its a little lost in the BW version, however both are really well drawn and the BW version gives such a nice comic/manga vibe I like, overall its such a nice work dude! love how it came out!