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Hey everyone! I just wanted to update you all on a few things since my post rate has been down this month, and I've been wanting to change some things for comics. Sorry if this post is a bit long-winded, I'll try my best to bold the most relevant info.

Unfortunately, April has not been my month. I'm working on the poll comic & two other comics, but I've been going a bit back and forth on the main ones (Axis and Restricted Materia), thumbnailing and generally just figuring out the pages, and I've just been low energy mode due to it, so instead, I've been spending most my time on the current Monthly one (Wolf Link X Ganon) and another side project I can't get too into the details of.

Thankfully, I still do plan to release some things. A small image pack of an obscure character, and maybe some other things I haven't posted before. I'll shotgun all of these that I can out before the end of the month, but thought it would be best to inform everyone where I'm currently at rather than being MIA. Obviously also expect the monthly comic by the end of the month.

As for Axis and Restricted Materia, there probably won't be a new page this month,
I'll try and squeeze one out although I can't promise anything, although I plan to get back to my 3-4 pages next month. I'm going to make some changes to how I go about posting them, however. Usually, I end up rushing to get a page out in a week, and with some pages, I feel confident in what I can deliver, however some others I feel less so and want to spend more time cleaning & figuring things out, so I'm not going to follow the week by week post rate as strictly. I'll try my best to post a page a week, however, if I feel a page requires more time I will post it in the next week rather than rush it for a weekly release.

I also have been debating on figuring out a way to do SFW pages of these two in a flatter more stylized way so I can get through those pages quicker. I'm not 100% on this though, and I've been looking through other comics that do similar but I'm not fully locked into any method. if you guys have any suggestions, or if you rather the SFW pages be posted at the same rate/quality, you can tell me in the comments!

As always, thank you so much for your support, and I can't apologize enough for the lackluster month.



Yeah, life and scheduling screws us over at pretty opportune times, sounds about right. Happens sometimes and your transparentness is appreciated. anyway I think you should take your time with these, an artstyle shift seems a bit weird to me in the middle of content changes. I do understand completely if you go that route to upkeep deliverables, though.


Thank you! And yeah, It's a bit hard to convey without showing it. If I could best describe what I mean by stylized, I'm speaking mainly about colors. I can't think of an example off the top of my head right now, but some comics will do certain pages colored/full rendered, and then other pages are B&W or more flat shading. I'm not 100% on it, and ultimately there are other tricks I can do to get through pages quicker.

Lucas (Littleatk)

We understand take your time and figure it out sometimes everything Ican be so much but breath and relax and you got this

Sherrie Mora

U know, u r such an amazing artist, do what needs to be done, i think we can wait to see more of ur amazing stuff :) I'm new to ur stuff, but definitely not disappointed in the least and I hope I can continue to support u as long as I can. And no worries, u were straight-forward with us as well, so again thnxs :)


Good work takes time, but those behind it must give it themselves too. We can wait til you feel better and in an optimal situation. You go at your pace and people on their own. And that SFW stuff, I was already expecting something like that, nice new wallpapers made with love✨. I think I'm late 😅