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Maybe you should test out the screwdriver..?

You haphazardly grab the screwdriver. You take a knee and attempt to use it on the screw, but it doesn’t seem to give at all! You try the other direction but still nothing.

Yam: “Anxious? Want a hint?”

“I know how to use a screwdriver… It’s just a bit… tight!”

You force the screwdriver harder and harder but only succeed in chipping the screwdriver.

“AGH!! Nooo… Don’t tell me...”

Yam: “Nah, that wasn’t important, and you have a little more time. Why not examine the screwdriver first?”

You examine the screwdriver and notice not only is the head interchangeable but it also has a compartment in it! Inside you find a few objects, but more specifically, you notice a more fitting head. Before you can go any further though you hear a voice.

???: “Don’t worry sir, I can assist!

You see a gigantic sticker-covered bear thing with a humongous dick.

“What are you supposed to be?”

???: “I am a BEAR! That stands for Battlezone Emergency Autonomous Robot! Would you wish to know more sir?”

Yam: “Bearo, don’t bother with the briefing, just get to it. Also, what did I say about “sir”?”

Bearo: “Sorry Yamato, I cannot comply, it goes against my core values! Also, I like saying sir.”


Yam: “Don’t call me that! Fine whatever, I don’t care!”

“So… Bearo? Are you a robot or is this some weird fetish thing? What’s with the acronym, and why are you here and not those three?”

Bearo: “Yes sir, Bearo! I am a robot originally designed for protecting lives in combat zones and other hazardous areas. BEARs are resistant to almost any environment and physical strain! We also operate as peacekeepers, or well, we used to. Unfortunately, most BEARs have been deactivated, destroyed, or their old parts have been repurposed, as far as I know, I’m the last alive, er, functional. I myself am a repurposed unit.”

You do not recall BEARs, but you play along regardless.

“Damn, that’s brutal. Sorry to hear.”

Bearo: “And yes, since the other three operators are currently busy I will punish you in their absence. however, I will make the experience immensely pleasurable sir!”

“W-well fine, let’s get this over with.”

A group of tentacles suddenly lunge out from behind Bearo, grabbing you. They begin to undress you, you struggle a bit, but the tentacles restrains all your limbs. With your movement heavily limited, you’re dragged into Bearo.

“What the hell!?”

Bearo: “Hmm! From my observations of your previous activities, you should enjoy constraints sir.”

“I don’t enjoy being ripped apart! Also, I couldn’t really tell at a distance, but that thing is way too big!

Bearo: “Hmm yes sir, but you need not worry, I’ll make it fit...”

As you wince in anticipation, you feel hot air brush against your rear and hear what sounds like steam.

Bearo: “Haha, you thought I was going to shove it right in? I can simply adjust my size, sir.”

“You sounded kind of menacing so that’s, uh, not what I expected."

The sight of Bearo’s reasonably sized member puts you at ease.

“You’re certainly more reasonable than those other three, that’s good.”

Bearo: “Certainly is right sir! I want this experience to be mutually enjoyable!”

You are about to speak up when a tentacle suddenly pulls your head back. As you attempt to speak, Bearo’s tongue opportunistically invades your mouth.

Bearo: “You like to kiss right? I think I enjoy that too, sir… Of course I’ve only observed such activities so you’ll have to lead…”


His tongue fills your throat and mouth, muffling your response. His thick tongue leaves no room in your mouth or throat, causing drool to leak down your nose. You suddenly feel something hard against your rear end. Slicked up from your previous encounter, Bearo’s member easily penetrates you. Suddenly your ass and throat begin to tingle.

Bearo: “Ah, don’t worry… You should be feeling it already. I’m releasing a stimulant through both ends of your body, I’ve heard it described as your body becoming one big sex organ. If only I could experience it, I’m so jealous sir.”


The tingling in your ass and throat transform into immense pleasure, as every slight movement and thrust makes you whimper and drool. This sensation radiates along your spine down into your tail. The tentacle that once was pulling your tail aside to expose you now feels like an intensely pleasurable massage.

You start feeling it across your entire body, making you blissfully aware of all the places the tentacles are caressing you.

“(This is insane… these sensations… It’s like as if it’s my first time being touched. I can’t stop whimpering, it’s just too intense. W-wait this sensation!)”

Bearo: “Ahhhh those sounds of pleasure! Sorry, I couldn’t last longer sir, I’m cumming!”

“(Ahhhaa my ass! I-is he expanding!?)”

Your stomach begins to bulge as an immensely pleasurable sensation fills your rear end. The feeling of hot air rushes across your rear end again, but you also feel cum expel out from below you. You’re overwhelmed by all the sensations, as your body stiffens and you shoot ropes of cum.

Bearo: “I c-can’t help it... when I’m cumming it just kind of flares up… Please understand, sir..!”

Bearo bask in the afterglow, as cum flows down his shaft and balls. You still feel the sensation of cumming, yet nothing comes out.


Bearo: “Oh. Sorry, sir. I’m glad you’re still with me, I’ve heard most people who use these stimulants pass out from the pleasure, and I pumped you with enough for someone of Taro’s stature.”

Bearo’s tongue slips out of your throat, as strands of drool coat your nose. The tentacle loosens up around your neck, you slump your head back forward.

Bearo: “Sir! What a shameful expression! I would have asked if you enjoyed yourself but it’s written all over your face.”

“Ha..ha. Shut up…”

Bearo slides his cock out of your rear end, the bulge in your stomach fades as cum pools out of you and onto the ground. The tentacles loosen and drop you on your feet, the sensation of which is more than you can handle, causing you to lose your balance.

“Ahgaha!? Never again! This was too much! These punishments better not all end up with me on the ground!”

Bearo: “I’ll keep your feedback in mind sir. OH how did I forget! What should I call you?”

“Call me? Like my name? Wait… name?”

A sudden realization sweeps over you; you don’t have a name, or at least you don’t remember it. You are unsure what to make of this, you remember other details of your life. Who are you?

“You can call me Detective.”

Bearo: “Well alright Detective! I’ll be off then! I think that makes 5 more continues you have left? Use them wisely!”

“Ugh, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Bearo leaves. As you lay there, still sensitive from the stimulant, you wonder what your next move will be. Maybe you should...


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