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Escape! 04

  • Lighter 2
  • Large Kettlebell 10
  • Key 30
  • Table 9
  • 2020-04-15
  • 51 votes
{'title': 'Escape! 04', 'choices': [{'text': 'Lighter', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Large Kettlebell', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Key', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'Table', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 15, 17, 23, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 51}



“How about… both?”

You stare at the speaker waiting for a response, but you instead feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Taro putting on a frightening face.


Taro: “So you think you’re a clever dog?”

“No! I wasn’t trying anything funny! It was a genuine pick!”

Taro shakes his head and gives a disapproving look. 

Taro: “You realize you’re wasting your own time? I don’t care how much dick you suck, just in case you were looking to get on good terms with me. I’m not going to go easy on you next time, dog.”

“Ah! I guess I wasn’t really thinking about the time limit… That’s fine. Let’s just enjoy ourselves.”

Taro: “Take the lead then, clocks ticking.”

You push the time to the back of your mind. Taking the lead, you take a good look at Taro’s body. His bored disapproving expression reflects his casual stance. You look down at his dick. He’s not even erect but it’s huge! You kneel down crotch level.

“My throat..?”

Taro: “I was... exaggerating. Use your tongue or something. I’m not making myself erect for you though.”

You heft Taro’s member up with both your hands, meeting it against your lips. It’s heavy, it takes both your hands to fit around it. It has a slightly musky scent. You press it against your lips and give it a lick.

Taro: “This is incredibly boring. I’m about to fall asleep.”

“Hey! I’m trying, let me think.”

You shift your finger down into his foreskin to lick further, but as you do so you notice him tremble slightly. He still is wearing the same poker face, but that definitely got a reaction. You move onto a different course of action, stuffing his girth as far into your maw as necessary.

Taro: “HEY! You’re going to break your jaw like that, stop, dog! AH!”

You ignore his advice, his cock squeezed into your maw, you work your tongue underneath his foreskin. He trembles again, harder this time, as he lets out a low guttural growl.

Taro: “Grrr… H-hey dog, you really will hurt yourse-Ehgrh!”

You begin circling his member with your tongue, with each rotation Taro can’t help but react until he finally…

Taro: “GRRAGH! Fucking- I told you stop!”

You’re violently propelled off his dick as sweet tasting cum suddenly floods your mouth and throat. As you pull away, gagging and coughing, you’re struck on the face by even more strands of Taro’s juices. With each pulse of his cock he pants and growls, until he finally seems to be done. You glance up cockily at the defeated looking catman.

“*cough* I thought you were playing hardball but you hardly lasted a minute! You’re just a giant kitten!”

Taro: “...”

As you bask in your victory over Taro a whirring noise approaches as the robot that had previously escaped you comes forward, vacuuming up Taro’s mess. Taro bends down and grabs it. Flipping it over, he takes what appears to be a regular house key from the robot and tosses it at you.

Taro: “Here, I’m done.”

“Finished? But what about..?”

Taro: “Grrr, dumbass dog! You got what you needed. Push your luck and you’ll be met with a brutal punishment right here, right now!”

Taro threats, but you are not intimidated by him. You’re more than familiar with bluffing, and while his frustration is real his words are not. You scoff, leaning yourself over the table you perk your butt up and flip your tail to the side.

“Fine then! Give me your brutal punishment. I have more than enough continues, I’m not exactly worried.”

Taro looks astonished, then he begins smirking. 

Taro: “I did tell you to take the lead. Fine, you’re the boss.”

Taro disappears below you, then you suddenly feel something wet brush up against your rear end.

Taro’s rough tongue laps away at your ass, you feel your entire bottom get covered in his saliva. He begins to press up against you with his tongue and enter you. 

“W-woh your tongue is ah, it feels very weird.”

Taro: “I’m not an ass eating expert. I’m just trying to be nice.”

“Sorry, I meant weird in a good way!”

He gets up, places his chest up against your back, and begins to slowly rub his cock against your rear end. He places his hand below your chin and speaks quietly to you alone.

Taro: “If you need to grit your teeth you may use my hand, puppy.”

“Puppy..? Uh, wouldn’t that hurt? I think I’ll be fine,”

Taro: “Alright then.”

He shifts his hand to the side of your face and pushes your maw against his muzzle. He begins licking you and lets out a low rumbly purring noise. Despite your previous disposition towards Taro you feel particularly comforted in the moment. You hesitate at first, but you wrap your arm around his head and hold him in closer. He then starts to enter you, at first slowly, but then with quite some force. You bite your lip as a surge of pain travels up your spine and your entire body shivers

While you remain relatively quiet his masculine purring intensifies. You can feel his hot breath on your face as he continues licking you further.

“Ha… Thanks for looking out for me.”

Taro: “What do you mean?”

“For the preparation I guess? I’m not exactly sure… Whatever, feel free to keep at it till you’re satisfied, alright?”

He thrust away into you, you feel and hear the sound of his thighs hitting your ass as each time he goes balls deep into you. He continues hilting you, bringing intense shivers to your body that causes you to cling to him harder. It feels like his entire weight is on top of you but the comforting feeling you felt before never leaves. You move your face in closer to him and begin kissing him. He pulls away for a second and his body becomes still.

Taro: “You idiot, you’re making this too personal…”

“You said I’m the boss.”

He gives you an impassioned look, then pushes you in closer and begins licking your lips. You begin kissing him as he continues thrusting. The noise of him penetrating you becomes messy, he’s definitely cum, but he keeps going. Your mind is overwhelmed with sensations and emotions as you begin cumming. This continues on for a while until your body starts to feel heavy and your stance begins to give in. He suddenly stops.

Taro: “Hah… hah… alright, we’re finished. It feels like you’re about to collapse.”

“P-probably a good call. Did you uh, enjoy yourself?”

Taro: “Yes.”

Taro wraps his arm around your chest, holding you up. He then begins cleaning you with a rag he had hidden on his tail. 


Taro: “I don’t feel like hearing Yuca’s whining because he missed out on a fuck session, although I’m pretty sure Yam will tell him either way.”

Yam: “Damn right I will! I’m pretty sure he’ll love to see what you did!”

Taro: “Did you really record that? Fuck, whatever.”

Taro finishes off cleaning you and sits you down on the floor. Then he makes his way towards the exit. Light appears as you actually witness the door open for the first time as Taro goes beyond it. The light seems to be from intense sunlight, as you feel the heat come off of it, but you can’t be sure.

You look down as you’re still holding the key from earlier. You feel confident, despite no affirmations, that some level of bond has been established between you and Taro. Hopefully, that should come in handy sooner or later.

You’re not certain how much time has passed, but it feels significant. Figuring out your next course of action, you slowly get yourself up and take a breath. You decide to investigate the...


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