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Escape! Prologue

  • Bunny Doll 16
  • Lighter 0
  • Large Kettlebell 7
  • Table 12
  • 2020-04-02
  • —2020-04-04
  • 35 votes
{'title': 'Escape! Prologue', 'choices': [{'text': 'Bunny Doll', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Lighter', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Large Kettlebell', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Table', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 4, 19, 25, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 2, 18, 38, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 35}


(Edited: Images should be visible now, hopefully!)

For now, you are the detective.

Your legs are numb and tingly. As you sit in silence planning what you should do, the events that had previously unfolded still can't exit your mind... You try to recall the first thing you remember.

The first thing you remember is being rudely awoken by a robotic voice. You’re not in your apartment, nor are you in your office. In fact, as you scan the room, you don’t know where the hell you are.

???: “You are to escape from this room”.

Escape? Room? Have you become the target of some criminal activity? Despite all this running through your head, you manage to keep your calm. You take a glance at your surroundings.

You seem to be in a room that can only be described as a large waiting room. In the center is a table with multiple objects. Chains and cuffs align the ceiling, as well as the back of the wall. You spot what seems to be a metal mechanical door with a screen display above it containing seven bone icons. You also notice a speaker which seems to be the origin of the voice. You respond to the voice with a question.

“Escape? So this is some sort of puzzle room? Am I to assume the means to escape lie within this room?”

???: “Very to the point detective. Yes. Although… you only have 15 minutes.”

Your heart drops. 15 minutes? To escape a puzzle room? That must be a mistake.

???: “I see the worry on your face. 15 minutes is not a lot of time to solve this room, but if a child sleeps in even a minute for a test they often fail at the door, let alone 45.”

You drop your cool.

“Why wouldn’t you just wake me up!? I’m punctual, this is just so unexpected I slept! The fact I even lost a minute is on you!”

???: “14 minutes.”

You hear the speaker click off. As the panic sets in you pace towards the desk at the center of the room.

You look at the items Doll-Lighter-Paper… you grab the paper before even examining the last object. This paper seems to actually be a pamphlet with reverse text, and instructions with reverse text on a second piece of paper. Obviously you must shine light through the paper in order to see the text properly! You grab the lighter, fumbling it in your hands, you flick it on. Yes, the paper’s text lights-

On fire, as it burns away in your hands. You fall deeper into despair. As the embers fill the room a what sounds like a smoke alarm goes off. You just stand there, the lighter still pressed burning your finger, your mind slowly fades from reality, until you hear a boyish voice.

???: “HEY!”

Three uh, nude, men stand in front of you. The one who called out smiles at you as he strokes his dick.

“The fuck!? Why are you all undressed!?”

???: “We are here to deliver your punishment!” 

“That doesn’t answer my question, but also I should have at least 10 minutes lef- W-wait punishment!?”

???: “But! You burnt the rule sheet that was so carefully laid out for you!”

“I didn’t mean to obviously! This setup is so stupid! How am I supposed to do anything in 15 minutes, and why would you make the rules a puzzle!? Why not a torch!?”

???: “Hey I made that puzzle! I mean… I kind of just accidentally printed it backward, but I asked my boss and came up with that cool puzzle! I even borrowed the lighter from Taro behind me, they said it was a good idea!”

“Taro obviously lied, it was an awful idea!”

The erect catman gives a pouty look. The big scary one just behind him looks you dead in the eyes before patting the pouty one’s shoulder.

Taro: “It was a great trap Yuca, right Yam?”

The scary catman looks behind him at the cat farthest back. The catman farthest in the back grabs the toothpick from his mouth and flicks it across the room before leaning forward onto the pouty one's other shoulder.

Yam: “I told you Yuca... he wouldn’t like it. Does he look like a man of taste?”

Yuca: “Thanks guy. I guess you’re right. Boss said he was a detective but aren’t they supposed to be really smart?”

As the 3 men begin to laugh at you the boyish one approaches… Yuca. Feeling cheated and at a loss for words, your anger consumes you, you assume a combative stance. 

Yuca: “Woh! You’re going to fight me!? W-what did I do!?”

The boyish one looks surprised and confused, but he still gets closer. You jab at him, but before you can even reach him the scary-looking one, Taro, seems to appear in front of you, grabbing your fist and pulling you into a headlock. He glares down at you. Your temper lowers as you start to panic.

“H-hey wait I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! That paper thing was great!”

“What do you guys want? Money? I have my wallet in my pocket still! Take whatever you want!”

Taro: “Too late. It doesn’t matter, no matter what you say your punishment is going to happen.”

Yam: “Plus we’re honestly not interested in your pants or anything in them… well except!”

The brooding one, Yam, rips off your pants at the seams, before diving his face directly into your crotch. He looks to be in bliss.

Yam: “Ah…”

He begins lapping your balls.

“Wha- Urk!”

The headlock tightens as you bite your tongue. Yuca approaches, pinning your arm backwards, he reveals your underarm and begins licking it. He grabs your penis, pulling back your foreskin he starts stroking away. Has your dick always been this sensitive or is this guy particularly good? Either way, you find yourself erect very quickly.

Yuca: “Mmm maybe my puzzle could have been a bit better honestly... I did feel a bit bad when I saw your sad face after you burnt it…”

Yuca: “I know! We’ll just tell you the rules! They’re very simple! Um… Taro knows them by heart!”

Taro: “Not only do I not get a piece of him I have to fill him in on his screw up? Fine.”

Taro: “Rule 1, always listen to instructions, or you will be punished. Rule 2, If you can’t solve a puzzle anymore, like burning your rules, you will be punished. Rule 3, Escape before the hour, or you will be punished. You have 7 chances to fuc- I mean to mess up, when all 7 are up, game over.”

Taro then leans in, biting your ear painfully, he flips it aside whispering to you.

Taro: “Also here’s an extra rule, I just made it for you. If you attempt to attack these two again I’ll kill you where you stand, you shitty dog. Now thank Yuca for being so generous.”

Scary! Any sense of bravado leaves your body as you glance over at Yuca who’s fully invested himself in your armpit.

“Wow! Thank you Yuca! I definitely would have incinerated another piece of paper in my gross incompetence if you weren’t so kind!”

Taro: “You’re laying it on thick, boy…”

Yuca: “Wow! Thank you! Hehe, I guess I’m pretty nice huh! I know! I’ll try my new fapping technique, you’ll love it!”

“Fapping Techn-!?”

Suddenly Yuca shifts his fingers around your dick. Each one, seemingly with a mind of its own, caresses your shaft just perfectly, rubbing you in rhythm with his thumb. Your body tingles and you feel your balls tighten as you let out a fervent moan.


Taro: “Damn great job Yuca. He’s already cumming!”

Yuca: “Hey hey! You liked that right?”

“Werf… Ah… What was that…”

Yuca: “Just something I picked up from the internet! Hey, we have at least 10 more minutes I think, wanna see how many times I can make you cum by then!?”

“F-fuck no, that’s too- ERK”

The Headlock tightens.

“Yes! of course!” 

You relax your body, realizing you are stuck in this situation for the next 10 minutes. As Yuca shifts his fingers again your penis reaches full mast. Within a couple of seconds your cum coats the floor in front of you, your legs, and Yams face, although he seems to not mind it. Before you can think, however, Yucca goes at it again. At some point you start to lose control of your body, your hips thrust as you hump into Yucca’s hand, cumming even more. The three men, no longer focused on your exasperated expression, watch as you shoot load after load.

Your entire body and mind go numb, you can’t think or move anymore. You can’t tell whether it’s been ten minutes or an hour, but you come back to your senses, your legs without sensation. The three men are now standing above you. Yuca licks your cum off his hand, while Taro cleans up Yam's face with what seems to be your tattered pants.

Yam: “You’re full of this stuff huh…”

“I think I need a hospital, I can’t even feel my legs…”

Taro: “You’re not the first guy to go through something like that, you’ll live.”

“What about the timer…”

Yuca: “Don’t worry! The boss doesn’t run the timer before you’ve even gotten up, that would be totally unfair!”

“Wait but when I was asleep- never mind.”

Yuca: “Well we’re going now! Don’t worry, these puzzles can be tricky so I’m sure we’ll meet again! Plus if you fail just 6 more times we’ll get to spend a lot of time together probably, hehe!”

Yam: “That would probably be a pretty unfortunate outcome from his perspective Yuca. Just a little pro tip: the table is a good starting point.”

Taro: “These two enjoyed this, so I have nothing to say. Just remember that last rule dog.” 

As they exit the room you find the energy to prop yourself up. A couple of minutes later, you find yourself back to where you are now… pantless. While you worry about exiting the room, the prospect of meeting them again doesn’t seem to worry you, however, you feel a bit of a chill over Yuca’s comment about failing too much. What happens when you lose all your chances? Will other puzzles be as fixed as the one you failed to? Will this “boss” respect the rules? You find the energy in your legs to finally stand back up. You approach the table yet again, relaxed and now prepared.

-Prologue End-

You work best by examining each object at a glance then assessing them upon closer inspection.
To your left is a bunny doll, but not just any bunny doll. It’s from a popular television show in the east a roommate of yours used to watch, however, you never remember seeing an outfit like this for one of them.
Center is Taro’s lighter, nothing too impressive, something you would find cheaply at any convenient store, and some ash smudged from the paper earlier.
To your right is a ridiculously heavy kettlebell, you attempt to move it to confirm it’s authenticity, but honestly, you wouldn’t be able to tell if it was 100 kg or 200 kg, it’s too damn heavy. Feeling you should focus up, you decide to investigate the…



I am having an issue with the pictures not loading due to "Your client does not have permission to get URL" from the google service used to host them.


Hmm... may have to delete and resubmit it then! Patreons poll picture uploads are finicky.