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Sample picture from July image pack.




This broke my brain, it's going to take a minute to get my head back in working order lmao


Now that I can (barely) form coherent thoughts, I'll say this illustration is just on another level. It's everything I could have wanted and then some more! My god, the way his shirt is swallowed by his curves and disappears just to then peek at the end again is so so so good, your vision and attention to detail is out of this world. You picked the perfect pose and angle, together they show so much strength and how he's ready to get to work getting rid of this heat, plus I love how he's looking back on the viewer from the side of his scarred eye. I think it's a very important part of his design that I'm so glad you found a way to make it visible even in this pose! To top it all off, all the bears in the background are so cute, their expressions are my thoughts exactly hahaha


Omg i like his butt view 🥵🥵