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I am back to catch up on many postings on here!

As few of you may have noticed I was gone for a vacation late July to early August and was right then catapulted into convention crunching for Montreal Otakuthon AND doing work overtime to compensate those days. This is the first weekend I have since my last post and I want to offer you all sketch requests in thanks for your patience and support.

Reply in the comment with 1 character you’d like to be drawn and degree of how sfw, nsfw, or in between you might like it (if applicable)

I hope you’ve all been well this summer so far!


Dack Conroy

Welcome back! Hope you had a good vacation (and that the con/OT whirlwind didn't take too much out of you @_@)

Dack Conroy

(As far as sketch requests, I've been on a Haikyuu kick lately, so my vote goes to a simple SFW Hinata!)


Hope you do get some time to relax again! D:


Haven’t seen if you’ve done any of the new FE Three Houses guys. Supposin’ Claude von Fireemblem could be usin’ some personal time “stringing his bow”. XD


I'd like to request a NSFW Yusuke from Persona 5! I was imagining him in a Playboy bunny outfit like the one Kanji wears in one of the anime adaptations, but I'd be down for anything, honestly.


I'd like to jump on the Fire Emblem Three Houses request bandwagon, with a NSFW Felix.


Semi-NSFW Hol Horse from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure if possible!