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Finally finished! Pushed this one a bit further than I thought I would xD

Also, just wanted to apologize for the wait on this one. I ended up hurting my neck not too long ago (old injury resurfacing) and I haven't been able to see my physiotherapist as is booked solid for a bit. So in the meantime, I'll be trying to manage it as well as I can. It is improving, it's just taking a bit longer than previous times this has happened. :p

I'll keep you guys posted. 

Thank you guys for all of the support and for your patience! Truly means a lot.




Oh I love the little bits of armor you put on him!! :o Also I like how he seems to be fighting creatures in a crypt, considering vampires are often the ones summoning them!


take care of yourself this is the most important (health above all). this drawing is amazing! now take some rest you deserve it ^^


Wow, that's just absolutely amazing! Love the added touch of the translucency of the wings and being able to see the veins run though them! Also, that armor is so cool! Also, hope you feel better soon Taran and are getting some rest in.


When You add the purple color and make it contrast It's look Amazing!!! luv him so much Also i hope you're alright and take care Taran!!


Dude! That looks super metal! (And not just the armor, the entire design!) And take care of your neck. Those can suck, I've had family members with similar injuries. Take care of yourself!


I. Love. Everything about this.


Your value control is so powerful wow, I think the additional elements of the undead is a very nice narrative touch. Also this may not help at all but tiger balm (their red ointment) could help alleviate some neck pain in the mean time. They don’t mess around with their medicines


Oh no! I hope you heal quickly!


Also this piece is absolutely stunning! My word this is awesome!


Hello Mr Tf, hope your back heals quickly. Regarding you work, which artist inspired you the most when you started your career?


So preeeettyyyy!! Please don't hurt yourself! Take the time you need


Everything about this is so gorgeous! I love the subsurface scattering you've done on the wings. Please take good care of yourself until you can see your physio, no sense in aggravating an injury further!


Awesome work! Please get the rest you need, and don't worry on our account.