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Werewolf sketch wip and the sharks that were alluded to on twitter xD




I love that POV for the werewolf! I need one of those for Arkees and /or others!


I love the werewolf and I love the cerberus sharks, I love them all 🥰


The werewolf has never skipped chest day apparently👀, also the sharks are so cute 🥺🥺 I wonder if they argue over what fillings/fish they have in their subway sandwiches


And what is that abomination! A Cerberus shark! Clever idea


Cerberus Sharks is super cooooool!! and the werewolf with this angle really handsome! ahhhh


I love how the werewolf sketch feels as if it’s from the POV of a human looking up at him in awe 👀


Nice! I'm still working with my friend on a workaround for those brushes, but quick q on how you use them. Do you tie opacity or size to pen pressure? I've been experimenting with just decreasing opacity overall, and playing around with size (I like more line control) but I'm finding trouble when it comes to shading.


Thanks! Yep! All the brushes have opacity tied to pressure, but the Nikko Rull and the comb remain the same size regardless of pressure. I use the slider to manually adjust the size for those. 👍


Okay. I just tended to have issues with sketching brushes (fine lines tended to also be really faint), so I'll have to experiment more.


Actuality slight correction to my last reply, the flicks brush doesn’t change opacity with pressure. As for the sketching, have you looked into the pressure curve for the tablet you use? You may be like me and have a slightly lighter touch, so the sensitivity may need to be adjusted a bit higher.


I'm actually probably the opposite, I joke that I have orc hands, have heavy pressure on a lot of stuff. When I'm working traditional pencils, I do farther-out grips to minimize that, when I did an old-school pen-and-ink thing for an author I liked, I needed one of the stiffest nibs. But I will be playing around with curves. Thank you for getting back to me for this. IF my workaround works, I'll let you know and see if I can't send the files over in case other fans of yours use Krita.


wow 3x the snoots to boop