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Hey guys! So I finished the rough paints for the one sketch sheet, and then decided that I might as well do the other one as well. ( I really wanted to see the statue pose rendered out xD) 

Also, along with the rough paints, I included a bit of a breakdown into how I see the forms, break down the more complex forms into simpler ones and just how the anatomy of something really simple, like a sphere, will still apply to something very elaborate, like a Cypress statue form ;) A lot of these things are... I guess "fundamental" things, or I guess might be considered as such, but to be honest, that's a lot of of what I'm thinking about while drawing, just fundamental things.

I'd was initially about to go into specific values, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that a lot of that comes down to personal choices (i.e. what lighting you've chosen, colours, material, style, etc) There are a lot of factors at play. But with general forms, it's pretty straightforward and the fundamental rules don't really really seem to change at all no matter what you're drawing.

But anyways, I think I've rambled on long enough xD I hope you guys like the pieces!

Oh! I forgot to mention that for this month, I would like to work on painting a bunch of the sketches that I've built up here over the last bit. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions for which ones to do first. (I was personally thinking about a couple of the Reighli sketches, and the Krampus ones) ;)

Either way, hope everyone is doing well and thank you again for all of the support!!




Collect suggestions then create a poll cuz omg there's so many that would look great painted up. Y'know, like the armor from were-tober 😌


Reighli and krampus sketches is very interesting👀! And i would like to see many characters from weretober too!


Oh man these look so Good!!!! Cypress makes such a great drawing model... Hey! That could be his secondary job when mercenary work is dry.


Your detail is simply amazing, every muscle is perfectly visible, the picture seems to be breathing😍I would be very happy to order a drawing course from you if we had the opportunity👀👀


Bless you for doing this for us Taran 🥺💙 I’ve not really considered the importance of planes in my paintings, I’ll use this as a sign to get to understanding them better 💪🏽


This is awesome! And the way you showed how you did stuff is very illuminating. And don't sell yourself short because you're focusing on the fundamentals. The secret is, that's how it always is. In martial arts, we might have had fancy jumping split kicks in our patterns, triple kicks or difficult techniques... but for sparring, where the art is tested, it was all fundamental techniques.


Thanks!! True! I'm sure there would be a bunch of artists that would appreciate it xD


Let's be honest, every time Taran does a poll, the winner is always "all of the above" 😆