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Hey guys! so wanna update you guys on a few stuffs.

The reward animation for Nana shimura is gonna take 2 weeks or more but the commissioner said his already 50 percent done so who knows it might be around the corner. 

I will be taking a short break over the weekend to gather myself as drawing has taken a toll on my mental state, i dont feel like producing work that doesnt gives me feeling and i wanna focus more on quality over quantity. 

However, good news is i have taken a long leave plan next week so i will be dishing out lewds  then. :^)  

Stay tuned for the next poll votes and thank you guys again! Thank you guys for the overloving support to my patreon! 



Dont worry and its okay! You deserve a break too~, u were updating every day so its understandable. Enjoy the weekend very much! Let's see what lewds will come next week😋


Don’t worry take the break you need it Thanks for the lewd art ❤️🙌🏽


Don't worry about taking a break I know how draining being burnt out can be. You've given us such great art you deserve this break. ❤ I can't wait to see what you had in store for Nana and what other juicy lewds you have in mind next week 😊


Take your time, You deserve it!