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I think I found my protagonist - Brandy. I'll let her drawings speak for themselves for now. I don't want to reveal too much about her before I further work out the story.

The second character is Lexy - Dr. Starlight's (formerly Starshine) lawyer and advisor. I'm unsure how big of a character she will be, but I find her compelling.

I wanted to do another character that would round up the main characters (more or less). That would be Brandy's boyfriend, but I got caught up with Brandy too much, so I'll leave him for later.

These designs will surely change, but I need to start somewhere. I still haven't decided on the surnames for these two. For Brandy, I'm thinking Livewire, but I don't like it too much. Steplight? I don't know. Lex, or Lexy - something to do with bondage. I think it'll fit her character nicely.



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