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Here's the plan - I'll make six more pics like this and then we vote what pictures will go in the background of the patreon page.

I've included two versions - both the working resolution and a smaller one. I think the smaller one is better - the irregularities of pixels blend better when viewed from far away but still retain the texture.

And I'll also be carving up each individual pic, making variants and stories and suchlike.




Is that foot sweat getting pumped into her mouth? If so that's awesome lol.


Even better. It's not clear from the picture itself, but do you see the ooze coming off of the feet in the background. That's what's pumped mixed with the toejam, of course.


Would love to see stories for each of these (though I think the last one is covered by the Elf Training comic). First one is especially interesting.

Jackie Estacado

Hello Aly and Halfling! It's awesome to see them again~ I'm still confused though. Are you saying you're gonna make a full-length story for EACH of these awesome pictures? Or you're just gonna pick one? I love them all but the first of the upper row and the second of the lower row are my absolute favs. It's a real delight to see Aly again though ^_^


Well, not a full length story, but a little something I usually add to my pictures.


The first one is Bobby - she's been promoted from demon feet to archfiend feet.


Bobby is having fun again Isee XD


I reallly love the top left and bottom right