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I wish i had Tits the Bat as a present...

Man, shes fun to draw, love me som Rouge even tho she had strong competition in the list.

So that new method of coloring i mentioned before i used it here and its much more fun than what i used to do before, so yeah im keeping it, until i find something better or evolve it. It feels more free and fluid, less planned but more natural, i love it.

I hope i can manage to finish the rest of the drawings before the month ends, but with the holidays i hope you guys understand if i miss them by a day or two.

So, hope you guys like it and have a wonderful day!!!

Happy Holidays!!!




First off love the image in total but I do like the style of coloring nice attention to detail and just has a great feel... keep up the amazing work👌🏾


I am always a fan of women surrounded with sex toys


I'd Stuff her stocking, come down her chimney, and leave a sable under her tree